First Reactions: The cover is glossy and personalized with any name and the name will feature throughout the story too – a unique touch that makes the book special for the reader. Another detail that really pulls you in, is the driving force of the plot of the movie, Forky!
One of the many new characters to uplift this franchise, Forky (though rumor has it that Duke Caboom steals the show), is a spork Bonnie has made all by herself at Sunnyside Day Care Centre. Bonnie loves Forky so much that just like Andy did with his toys, (which adds a nostalgic nod to the past Toy Story films), Bonnie writes her name on her new creation, and he becomes her favorite toy.

Plot Outline: When Bonnie brings Forky home, he meets the rest of the toy gang. But he doesn’t know how to be a toy. Woody – a toy who truly understands how important one toy can be for a kid growing up – tries his best to make him feel welcome, and help him understand why he is so important to Bonnie. Believing his only purpose is to be used to eat soup, salad and maybe chili, Forky has an existential crisis and runs away. Woody, Buzz and the rest of the toy gang follow him, and this event brings about a Toy Story adventure like no other, especially for Woody. Joined by old friends like Bo Peep and more new characters, Woody is about to learn how big the world can be for a toy…

Inside the Book: The book begins as a dream and the person starring in the book enters a dream world where they are transported into Toy Story 4. The story continues and throughout the name is featured, with important features bolded in red. Illustrations bring the story to life. They’re magnificently drawn and at the back of the book you can upload an image too. This book is perfect for kids to own their very own Toy Story 4 book to reminisce the movie once the credits roll in.

The Ending of the Book: Critics who have seen the movie have been careful not to give anything away. They’ve just been raving and crying and raising our expectations! Thankfully, the book gives us an ending without giving the movie away, which just adds to our suspense! Disney have brought out the big guns for this movie. It’s produced by Jonas Rivera and associate producer Mark Nielsen from Inside Out, and directed by Josh Cooley who created Riley’s First Date?. We don’t know the ending, but we do know this: you will ugly cry out of the theatre on June 21st 2019.