Safeway Home Grocery Delivery Review

Safeway Home Grocery Delivery – it’s a beautiful thing!

Safeway Home Grocery Delivery review

I have been incredibly busy lately with switching my blog, the host, etc. {as I am sure you all know about by now!}.  In addition to the work going on on my blog, I have a household to run.  There is a never-ending list of chores, and at the end of each day, I ask myself, “Where did the day go?”.  In addition to  tending to my blog and the household chores, there are errands to run.  I really dislike the lists of errands, as they take me away from what I need to be doing at home.

I have always wanted to try a grocery delivery service.  Years ago there was a popular grocery delivery service that sounded interesting. I knew I would try it after my daughter was born, as it is NO FUN to take a baby grocery shopping.  Wouldn’t you know it –  as soon as I was ready to use their services, they went out of business.  Hmph!  I have tried a couple of other places, but haven’t been overly impressed – most do not have much of a selection.  I need a place that can deliver everything I would buy if I did the shopping myself in the store.

Recently I was contacted to do a review of Safeway’s Home Grocery Delivery service. Ummm hello? I didn’t need to be asked twice!  I was so excited to finally try ordering online.  Safeway is my usual grocery store, so this worked out just fine!  I finished compiling my already long grocery list and sat down at my computer to place my first order.

I had wondered how easy it would be to navigate their site, as groceries are so spread out in the store.  I started at the top of my list – dairy products.  On the left side of the screen were all of the different sections/aisles listed.  I clicked on dairy and then a little menu came up with different types of dairy products.  Many of these sections were  broken down even more which made it super easy to find exactly what I needed!  I went to the Pet Food/Supply “aisle”, as I needed canned cat food for my furbabies.  Of course there are quite a few brands of canned cat food, but I was able to find what I needed quickly. The Pet Food section was broken down into type of pet, then by product for that pet, then type of food, etc.    When it came time to order produce, I was a little unsure of how this would work.  No need to worry, many fruit items are by piece, and others are by pound.  I have to admit, I was a little worried what type of fruit somebody else would pick out for me – I am very particular.

I finished my shopping in no time, and then chose my time frame.  I was pleasantly surprised when I saw how many two-hour time frames were available for the next day.  I chose the 10 a.m. – 12 pm.  slot.  I entered my credit card info, and placed my order.  I was also able to list my preferences if items were not available, would I prefer a different brand but same size, or same brand in a different size? Or I could choose “no substitutions”.  Delivery rates are either $6.95 or $9.95 depending which date and time frame you choose.

The next day, I eagerly awaited the arrival of my order {plus my kids were bugging me because they were hungry}.  The phone rang a little before noon and it was the driver.  He was running a little bit late, as he had some trouble with his truck.  This actually worked out well for me, because I was on hold with my blog server/host – I was having issues.  I was glad he called to let me know – that is a big deal to me.

Safeway home deliveryThe Safeway delivery driver arrived about 12:20 p.m. with a big cart holding my groceries on it and they were all neatly bagged.  My daughter had two friends over, so he brought the bags into our entry way {he offered to take them in the kitchen}, but I figured I would put the girls to work.  It builds character, ya know?    He explained that they were out of stock on one item, the Pineapple Orange Juice.  That wasn’t a big deal to me at all.  They had taken the amount of the orange juice off of the bill.  He showed me the bill, had me sign, and he was on his way.

As I was going through my grocery bags, I was pleasantly surprised at how their “shopper” shopped for me.  They had chosen my items correctly, and the produce choices were excellent.  My 13-year old daughter even commented what a good job they did picking out the fruit.

I am so excited by the experience I had with Safeway’s Home Grocery Delivery service.  From ordering, to delivery, and to quality, everything was exceptional.  The best part is I did not have to leave my house!  I actually got some work done instead of spending that time at the store.  Love it!  I am going to recommend this service to my father, as he has a hard time going out and about due to health problems.  This home delivery service is perfect for so many situations.  It is ideal for parents of little ones, the elderly and the disabled.  If you don’t have a car or use public transportation this service could make life so much easier.  More good news:  Your grocery list will be stored online.  The next time you shop online at Safeway, you can pull up your previous list.  I love this idea, especially for those items that you need pretty much every time you go to the store.

Make sure you sign up for the Safeway email newsletter – you will get specials and deals!  While you are there, check out their recipe section – yum-o!  If you want to find out if Safeway delivers in your area, you can enter your zip code on their site.


If you enter this code at checkout,  you will get your first order from Safeway delivered free!


You can find Safeway on Facebook and Twitter.

The opinions expressed above are those of blog author only.  I received two gift cards {from DEI Worldwide} for expenses to write this review.


8 Responses

  1. How far do they deliver to? Like is there a certain mile radius they deliver within? Also, how much does it cost normally to deliver? Is it based on weight of purchases or cost?

    1. Good points – I will add those to my review! The cost is a fixed rate – anywhere for $6.95 to $9.95 depending on what day and time window you choose. If you go to your website, and click on “explore” under delivery, you can put in your zip code and determine if they deliver to your area. Thanks for your comment!

  2. Good Job putting your kids to work!! I believe it builds character too! I love Safeway, we used to get delivery more often when it was discounted by my husbands work but they discontinued that service and there went our monthly order. I wish they would bring it back, my husband even requested that they bring it back.

  3. I really wish there was a Safeway here in Florida… I would SO love to have my groceries delivered to the house. It would make things so much easier on my back.
    I think you definitely deserve to have them delivered to you and your kids bring them into the house… I hope you made them put the stuff away also! 🙂

  4. Personally I have used it for delivery for my mom since she doesn’t drive and sometimes I can’t get to her house cuz its about 70 miles from me so we get on the phone together and she tells me what she wants and I put in the order for her, the order always comes at the asked time and the guys always offer to carry everything to the kitchen. We have done this many times and its pretty cheap for delivery. I LOVE IT!!!

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Eighty Mph Mom
Lyric Spencer

I’m all about sharing great products, recipes, home decor, and parenting hacks for busy moms.

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