Breast Cancer Prevention & Treatment Resources

Breast cancer is a leading cause of illness amongst all women, and it seems to be growing year over year. It can be frightening, especially if you do not know where to turn for help, or what doctor to believe in regards to treatment. There are many options in regards to types of treatment and also prevention that never seem to make the news, which is what I am going to share with you today. Hopefully after you read this article, you will feel more empowered and in control of your health, and not at all scared of getting or having breast cancer. Knowledge is power, soak it all up! Let’s walk through some breast cancer prevention & treatment resources. 

Breast Cancer Awareness

What this article will cover:

  • How to prevent breast cancer
  • Functional medicine practitioners
  • Resources on how to prevent breast cancer
  • Resources on different types of treatment for breast cancer

How to prevent breast cancer

Yes, that is correct. You are reading that right. No matter what the media may tell you, you can actually do things in your own life to prevent breast cancer from ever happening. We all know leading a healthy lifestyle is an important factor, but that often comes with confusion. What is a healthy lifestyle? Most people think they eat right, exercise and sleep then they should be covered right? Not necessarily. There are a few things you can do to enhance your health that your Doctor is not telling you. I always suggest running anything knew past your primary care doctor, but also do your own research! We are capable of discerning what is safe and necessary for our own health. 

Vitamin D – this may be the most important thing you ever learn. Having adequate amount of Vitamin D in your blood (40-60 ng/ml) is shown to reduce your risk of breast cancer by 50-60%. Did you read that? 50-60%! We all may think we have enough Vitamin D – but, have you ever gotten yours tested? The majority of Americans are not even close to these levels of Vitamin D. We are an insufficient nation in regards to this Vitamin. It is CRUCIAL for so many things, I encourage you to read more here

Not only can Vitamin D help you prevent cancer, adding that to a diet that has no inflammation in it, will make that percentage jump as well. I encourage you to read the DeFlame Diet book and learn what cutting inflammation out of your diet actually means. 

Genetics. You may be thinking about your genetic history and yes, that can play a factor and make things difficult depending on the gene. However, what most people do not know is that only 5-10% of breast cancer cases are from genetics or hereditary. Read more here. That should be a light bulb going off in your head. That means the other factors, the 90% is controllable and from what we do in our lifestyle! That means you can do something to prevent breast cancer. You will find some resources below on more ways to do that but for now. Remember, Vitamin D and reducing inflammation. 

Functional Medicine Practitioners

If you do nothing else from this article, please research functional medicine. Start with the experts at the IFM (Institute for Functional Medicine) and go from there. Functional medicine is fantastic. It is MD’s that are specialized in treating the whole person, and getting to the root cause of disease. They do not treat symptoms, they get to the underlying issue that you are having. If you are in search of one, you can search for a local practitioner in your area. I HIGHLY recommend everyone getting a doctor that specializes in your personal health. My functional doctor healed my gut issues, chronic allergies, sleep problems, hormones and much more. All at one doctor instead of going to multiple doctors. I also am not on ANY medication. They healed me. So, just think – if you get a doctor like this to help you prevent disease and heal from it, if you need healing. That is another form of treatment and prevention of breast cancer. They can help with that!

Resources on preventing & treating breast cancer

Breast Wellness – to prevent and heal from breast cancer. This is from a functional medicine doctor who had breast cancer herself. She provides her guide book for free education. Take it and learn! She is the absolute best in this arena!

Breast Cancer Conqueror Dr. V has one of the most amazing stories, check out her website and protocol from overcoming breast cancer naturally. Its amazing and very insightful. She also has implemented new ways for women to do their self-check at home. She teaches how doctors do it, so you can do it for yourself each month!

10 strategies to prevent and treat breast cancer – this is a quick education video from a functional medicine Doctor (again, please find one in your area!). Its a great place to start if you want to learn more about the approach of functional medicine from the beset. Dr. Mark Hyman. He is best-selling author and leader of the functional medicine clinic at the Cleveland Health Hospital

In summary. Research Vitamin D, Research inflammation, and please read these free resources from the experts. Learn to prevent breast cancer from happening, you can take this into your own hands and not fear the unknown. Take control of your health! I hope you found this eye opening and hopeful. Its nice to know there is more out there than just chemo or being scared of the big C. As always, make sure you check with your primary care Doctor before beginning anything new. 

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Eighty Mph Mom
Lyric Spencer

I’m all about sharing great products, recipes, home decor, and parenting hacks for busy moms.

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