Great Tips For Moms Who Want to Enjoy Delicious Coffee at Home

tips for coffee at home

Coffee is essential for many people, but as a mom, it becomes even more important to help you get through a hectic day of chores and errands. Mothers need to be active throughout the day and take care of their families. Coffee is sometimes the only thing that can help you get through a day full of work. However, many people struggle to make coffee that tastes good and instead rely on café-bought coffee. However, making the perfect cup of coffee at home doesn’t have to be difficult. All you need to do is follow certain tricks and tips to make that perfect blend you didn’t think you could. Here are some tips you can use to make delicious coffee at home.

tips for coffee at home  

1. Use Whole Beans 

Coffee beans get their flavor and smell due to the presence of certain aromatic substances present in them. After roasting, these compounds start to escape the coffee beans, and hence their taste significantly decreases. If you purchase ground coffee beans, this degassing process will happen, and the coffee beans will lose their flavor. This, in turn, will make your coffee taste stale and dilute. Therefore, it’s better to purchase fresh, whole coffee beans and grind them right before brewing. There are many brands that provide freshly roasted, whole coffee beans and ensure the best flavor. 

2. Take The Right Amount Of Coffee 

Whether you prefer strong or weak coffee, it’s important to use the right amount of coffee beans to get the perfect flavor into your coffee. The amount of coffee used in proportion to the amount of water will determine if your coffee will be weak or strong. While there’s no hard and fast rule for the amount that should be used, the common ratio for coffee to water is 1:12 parts. However, you can also experiment and try different ratios until you achieve the perfect flavored coffee.  

To get flavored coffee, you can also add a few drops of flavored syrups or spices like cinnamon or nutmeg to your coffee. This will give your coffee an extra kick without losing its natural flavor.


3. Measure Properly 

While many recipes online measure coffee beans by the number of tablespoons added, this measurement method is actually not suitable because bean sizes and densities vary significantly. Whereas, measuring coffee beans by weight will ensure that you’re following a proper ratio with precise measurements. Using a weighing scale would be most suitable for this step. 

4. Grind At The Correct Coarseness  

How you grind your coffee beans plays a huge role in how your coffee will ultimately taste. The smaller the particles, the more flavor will be extracted from the coffee beans. Moreover, all the coffee particles should be of the same size for the flavor to be extracted at the same rate. When you control the size of the coffee particles, you can easily alter the taste of your coffee. According to the information found at Brew Coffee At Home, using a burr grinder is the best option to extract maximum flavor. It will allow you to achieve a similar particle size for all your coffee brews. Moreover, the perfect size can be achieved by observing different grind sizes, and how quickly they get brewed. For instance, if the coffee is brewing too quickly, that means the ground particles are too coarse, whereas, too slow brewing will mean the particles are too fine. 

5. Use Filtered Water 

About 98% of your brewed coffee is composed of water. This means that the taste and purity of your water have a significant effect on the taste of your coffee. If you use water that has a weird taste, or strange odors, your coffee will have that too, maybe even intensified. Therefore, switching to filtered water for your coffee is one of the best things you can do to improve its taste. Moreover, you will also need to optimize the temperature of your water to extract the best flavors from the coffee beans. 

6. Bloom Your Coffee 

When you first pour water on the coffee grounds, you will notice that they start to bubble. This process is called the bloom and is caused by the release of carbon dioxide, which is a product of the roasting process. This is an important step as the carbon dioxide needs to be released in order to get proper extracts from the ground beans. To do this, add a small amount of water to your coffee grounds and wait for the carbon dioxide to be released. After 30 seconds, add more water and proceed with brewing your coffee.

Coffee at Home

Preparing good coffee is a feat in itself, but it doesn’t have to be that difficult. Many people assume brewing good coffee at home is challenging, however, it just requires a bit of practice, some tips and tricks, and good quality coffee beans, and voila, you’ve got the perfect recipe for brewing delicious tasting coffee at home.  

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Eighty Mph Mom
Lyric Spencer

I’m all about sharing great products, recipes, home decor, and parenting hacks for busy moms.

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