I imagine you feel the same as I do, but germs and bacteria just freak me out (especially now with COVID-19). I am diligent about washing my hands and wiping down my counters before and after cooking. I always keep some type of disinfectant with me while I am out too – usually to use after grocery shopping. Who knows what type of “yuck” sits on the shopping carts. I have always used Lysol wipes in my kitchen, and was so happy when I got to review Lysol Disinfecting Spray and Lysol Disinfecting Wipes. I already know I love them, and I am glad to share this wonderful info with you.
From the Lysol site:
The Lysol brand has teamed up with Dr. Laura Jana, a pediatrician, mother of three school aged-children and owner of an educational daycare center. She would like to share her back to school checklist with moms to help them prepare their children for a healthy and happy school year. Her tips include:
The Health administration is predicting a very serious cold and flu season (as always), so teach your children about healthy hygiene habits before they go back to school and get exposed to classroom germs, like MRSA or H1N1 virus, COVID-19, etc. Check out the new educational Web Site for kids, developed in partnership with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), at oopkids.com. This kid-friendly Web site is designed to educate children about healthy hygiene habits and safety routines.
What can you do about germs?
Send school germs packing by encouraging your children to drop their book bags, take off their shoes and leave their coats at the door when they walk in. Send them straight to the sink to wash their hands for at least 20 seconds (long enough to sing Happy Birthday twice!) while you spray their bags with Lysol Disinfectant Spray to help kill bacteria they may have picked up from the school bus, the playground or the classroom.
What surfaces can you use Lysol wipes?
All surfaces. I use them in the kitchen, bathroom, dining room table. I have not found a surface they do not work on. Now, I always make sure to wipe door knobs after people visit and our kitchen counters just to mitigate any worry of contracting a virus. We have not had any issues on any surface!
Do Lysol wipes really work?
I am not sure how we would prove this question. However, I will say, I ALWAYS feel more comfortable and at easy after using them. Maybe its a placebo effect, but it really does seem extra clean and I feel like we have not gotten as sick this year. It can’t hurt right?
Types of Lysol products:
Lysol Disinfectant Spray effectively kills 99.9% of bacteria on soft surfaces, including the family couch!
For more information, check out the Lysol Back to School Information Center at Lysol’s Send School Germs Packing website.
I love Lysol Disinfecting spray and I keep two cans at home at all times – one for use upstairs and one for downstairs. Unlike other sanitizing products which only kill bacteria, LYSOL® Disinfectant Spray even kills nasty viruses that can cause illnesses such as the flu, the common cold and infectious diarrhea among young children. I keep Lysol wipes right by my kitchen sink – they are so handy and I feel good knowing I am doing all I can to keep my family as free from germs as possible.
Check out some of our related posts:
- Healthy habits week with Lysol
- Natural cleaning remedies
- Why green cleaning is more important now than ever
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The only form of compensation received for this post was two products listed above. Compensation has no bearing on review outcome.