When our kids are at home, whether it’s during the Christmas holidays or the lengthy summer vacations, we can find ourselves running to stand still based on the amount of things that we need to do. Whether it is getting gifts for our loved ones or just trying to keep on top of the housework, it can be tough when we’ve got kids running around our ankles all day every day. This is why the nighttime is the right time for you to unwind. As a parent, the temptation might be about instantly flopping into bed as soon as the kids are asleep; however, we should use the times our kids are resting for us to unwind. Here are a number of approaches to try out.
Playing Games
The opportunity to play board games or online games can be an ideal chance to entertain while also stretching your cranial capacity somewhat. A game like Christmas Mahjong is a perfect example that can take you away from your thoughts and stresses. One of the biggest problems we all have is that when we’re trying to relax and unwind in traditional ways such as meditating, our brains can instantly ponder if our children are going to wake up in the night or not. This is why it’s important to have something that we can truly invest ourselves in because if we can take ourselves away from worries about the future or the past even for a second, we are benefiting our emotional and mental health.
A Cozy Evening Routine
Sometimes we just need to transition from day to night, and having a routine where you dim the lights, play soft music, and engage in a calming activity like reading can make a massive difference to your mind and body. Having a nighttime routine should signal to your body and mind that it’s time to relax. Most of us instantly climb into bed, but having that opportunity to do the things that you know will calm you down or distract yourself from your worries can make a massive difference.
Time Outside
It might not be practical to go for a stroll when the kids are asleep; however, even stepping outside and taking in some fresh air can be rejuvenating. Taking this opportunity to step away from the house physically can make a big difference in your state of mind because if you associate your home with stresses and tensions, this will make a wonderful impact on your abilities to down-regulate.
Practicing Deep Breathing
If there is one thing that we should do, even if we don’t have proper time to unwind or we’re absolutely exhausted, it’s that we need to find ways to do a quick reset. Box breathing is one of those tools that Navy Seals use and is an amazing way for you to help recalibrate after a long and stressful day. Box breathing is very simple: you just breathe in for 4 seconds, then hold for 4 seconds, exhale for 4 seconds, and hold again for 4 seconds. Repeat, and enjoy the benefits.
The holiday time, whether it’s the summer or Christmas, can mean a lot of stress and tension. But there are plenty of ways for you to unwind and actually savor the moments your kids are at home.