The majority of people associate their gastrointestinal problems with their stomach, but this statement is only partially true. Your digestive system is a whole system of organs that are working synergistically so that they can break down the food you consume and allow all of the nutrients to be absorbed. One of the main roles of this system is to eliminate waste that is the result of food digestion. In general, your digestive system is a long path that begins with your mouth and continues through the stomach, small and large intestines, and finally to the anus. Not just these organs are included; even though not directly, the liver, pancreas, and gallbladder are indirectly involved. These organs are in charge of secreting hormones and enzymes that are essential for human life.
When all of these components of the system work together, you have a healthy digestive system, which is easy to take for granted. However, as the years keep passing and you are getting older, these organs do not function as well as they used to when you were younger. You can find out that your appetite is not the same as it used to be or that the food does not have the same taste as it used to. Eating spicy food and large portions will now cause physical discomfort. Here are some of the most common digestive problems people have and how to deal with them.
Digestive Problems in Mature Ages
The weakening of the muscular contractions in the digestive system is responsible for your problems with digestion or even diseases caused by these disorders. The slower the muscle contractions, the slower the digestion. This makes the food slowly move along your digestive tract, which can eventually cause some other problems, such as poor circulation caused by blockages in the arteries. Fortunately, modern medicine allows us to use medications that can be used to treat a specific problem or a variety of other reasons. Here are some other solutions that might be interesting to you.
Physical Activity and Constipation
Constipation is a problem that is caused by a change in bowel movements and can cause certain difficulties in passing stools. There are numerous factors that can cause constipation in the elderly, and these can include a weakened digestive tract, reduced physical activity, and the side effects of some medications. However, the use of peptides such as BPC has various benefits. For example, the benefits of BPC 157 include the possibility to protect your gut and help you with digestion problems. Constipation can be prevented by consuming healthier foods, increasing water intake, and receiving regular physical activity. If the medication is the cause of your state, then you need to consult with your doctor and follow their guidelines.
Indigestion and Other Conditions
Have you ever had the impression that you have eaten so much that it occurs to you that the entire meal got “stuck” into you? Exactly. This impression is often caused by eating huge chunks of food, which makes it difficult for the enzymes to break down the food. This is not a huge problem when you are a young person; however, it can become one as time passes. As we age, the amount of acid in the stomach is reduced, and this can cause your muscles to weaken and reduce blood supply to the stomach and intestines, which eventually results in a slower process of emptying the stomach. All of these factors can contribute to indigestion. There are many triggers for this state, and some of them include anxiety, stress, depression, and even other medications. There are some natural and home remedies for this state, such as taking a teaspoon of baking soda and a glass of water. Yet, if you are having this problem, it is mandatory for you to visit the doctor as soon as possible since it can indicate an even more serious problem.
Master the Digestion Treatment Plan
For the elderly, it is of the utmost importance to pay regular visits to the doctor and check their digestive systems. If you are experiencing digestive issues, your doctor will need to determine what the possible causes are and will prescribe you the appropriate treatment. This can involve taking medications and having a strict diet plan as well as adopting some new habits. It may take you some time to absorb all of the information, but you can play it safe and use a piece of paper or a special notebook where you can write down all of the guidelines, which can help you follow the instructions more effectively. It would not be bad if you tried out some of the alternative digestive treatments, which are known to have miraculous results. Colon cleansing and fasting are some of the widely recommended treatments that are proven to give the best results, even though some alternative treatments are super expensive, infective, and highly dangerous. It is mandatory for you to consult your doctor before you try out some of these treatments.
Prevent Accidents
Accidents happen, regardless of age. However, since the activity of the digestive system of the elderly is out of order, sometimes these accidents are more common. In case you can predict when the accident will strike, it would be perfect to keep some of your supplies close at hand so you can be more peaceful. It would be great to take some of them when going out. Prepare a small bag with pre-moistened wipes, extra underwear, disposable pads, and plastic bags where you can place your clothes. You can stash all of these supplies in your purse, car, or suitcase and place them where you can reach them in no time.
When we get older, there are certain changes in our bodies that can cause us discomfort. Among the first ones we get to feel are the problems with digestion and a whole array of symptoms such as constipation and indigestion. However, drinking more water and having a balanced diet should keep you on the safe side. And, do not worry, accidents happen to all people.