Send a Bouquet of Cheer with Teleflora!

teleflora christmas

Christmas is less than two weeks away and my family is scrambling to finish everything that we’ve been working on for months already. My husband has been shopping and wrapping until his eyelids droop and I’ve been trying to get our home looking festive and in hosting order. You see, every year we host a special Christmas Eve dinner for our family and it means a lot to us. Having your family come into your home often means presenting the best home you can and this year, I discovered that Teleflora is exactly what I’m looking for to give that special touch!

Teleflora is a floral company that connects with your local florist to deliver beautiful bouquets of AMAZING to your front door. Every year, they put out lovely new holiday editions and every year they outdo themselves! Though it took me forever to finally settle on a favorite, I chose the Winter Pines Centerpiece and I was not disappointed! The Winter Pines Centerpiece is a collection of roses and winter greens in a gorgeous glass bowl vase adorned with trees. The elegant centerpiece also includes two red taper candles that I’ll admit, I didn’t light because it was just too pretty to “use” it. I plan to make it a special thing to light them on Christmas Eve as our guests arrive.


The flowers chosen for the Winter Pines Centerpiece all compliment each other perfectly and they boast of festive beauty! Within Teleflora’s Winter Pines bowl, which I love, you’ll find: crème roses, red carnations, red miniature carnations, and white button spray chrysanthemums, accented with flat cedar, white pine, seeded eucalyptus, magnolia leaves and two red taper candles. Obviously, this is a perfect centerpiece for any table but I also think that it would make for a great hostess gift or gift to someone special in general. I had completely forgotten about the delivery until the incredibly polite man showed up at my front door with this stunning arrangement in hand and I can tell you that my eyes lit up. I want to be able to give that gift to someone else!

holiday teleflora

While this centerpiece probably wins my favorite this year, I am blown away by Teleflora’s entire holiday selection. They have options containing memorable ornaments, vintage sleighs, Christmas trees, Hug® teddy bears, and even a Thomas Kinkade tribute. Another great thing about Teleflora is that you have the option of next or same day delivery and during the holiday season, you often to plan to send gifts, the mood just strikes! So, if Christmas spirit fills you up and you decide to treat a loved one or even that you just need an elegant decoration that your family will love to see, check out what Teleflora has to offer! Send someone a bouquet of colorful cheer that smells lovely and looks like something out of a fancy catalog!

teleflora holiday

You can order your holiday bouquet on the Teleflora website. Teleflora offers next day or same day delivery on all bouquets!

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17 Responses

  1. All these are gorgeous! Flowers are always a great gift. They always make me smile and I hope they do the same to others. I have never used teleflora, but I will have to check them out. Thank you for sharing!

  2. I love when my husband sends me flowers at my workplace for my birthday or Valentine’s Day. It’s the best.

  3. The Winter Pines Centerpiece is beautiful. Sending flowers is always a great way to let someone know that you care and are appropriate for any occasion.

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Eighty Mph Mom
Lyric Spencer

I’m all about sharing great products, recipes, home decor, and parenting hacks for busy moms.

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