Happiness can be elusive at any time of life. It is difficult to obtain and hard to maintain. For some people, happiness always feels as though it is just out of reach, a tempting light that somehow never comes any closer. Of course, there are unforeseen and/or unusual circumstances that can leave a person in a depressed and saddened state for a period of time, but for other times, there are ways to hopefully pull yourself out of that hole and be happy.
We know that happiness is possible and for many optimists, happiness is easy to achieve and maintain because it is a habitual state of mind. Humans have a great talent for being happy against all the odds and as difficult as you might be finding it now, there are three areas where you may be preventing your own happiness. Here are a few of the the reasons you might be unhappy.
Self-destructive Habits
There are so many self-destructive habits that bring us down but getting out of them is always difficult. Identifying a self-destructive habit should be the first step to your recovery. But next, you need to figure out where you can get the right help. You might decide to check into a rehab center or sign up for therapy – no matter what you do, doing something is better than nothing.
Some of the most common self-destructive behaviors come with a strong desire for short term relief or pleasure without thinking about any long term consequences. For example, you might decide to have a drink too many because it’s fun right now and you aren’t thinking about your inevitable hang-over! By identifying what causes this desire, you can get to the root of the problem and rebuild healthier coping strategies.
Your Priorities are Wrong
How you prioritize your life will have a big impact on how you live and how happy you are. For some people, work is life and success in the office is the biggest bringer of happiness; for others, happiness comes from spending time with family at home. For most people, achieving a balance of things is the best way to find happiness.
Happy people tend to share their ability to prioritize. They manage to balance all the different aspects of life from family and friends through to relaxation, health and exercise. You could easily read through list after list of all the things you should be doing but the reality is that if you want to be happy, you need to do 2 things: follow your passions and build strong social relationships.
You Forget About Fun
It’s shocking but so many people completely forget to have fun. We get wound up with work, frustrated with household chores, we put the kids first, and let’s face it, we are just plain exhausted. Naturally then, we tend to put ourselves last. That has to change – everyone needs to have some excitement in their life. It does a body good!
Fun should be entertaining, expressive and interactive. So, activities like crafting, painting projects, including painting by numbers are great ways to entertain yourself, gain a sense of achievement and to be able to express a bit of creativity. Naturally, what is fun for one may not be fun for all so get out there and try new things!
You cannot expect to be happy if you fail to prioritize happiness in your life. Luckily, a few surface changes can set you on your way and when you are ready, you can make bigger changes and truly transform your life!
Can you think of any other reasons you might be unhappy? What are some other ideas to help yourself feel better?
One Response
Yes, I think you are so right about prioritizing the right things. For me family comes first and that helps me stay centered and know when to say no. It is important not to overcommit because when you feel hurried, rushed, and stressed, happiness to far from that! Another important thing is do find what soothes you and helps you release anxiety so you can truly relax whether it is a hot bath, a walk, or meditation.