Bubble Planner Homework Helper Review!

Homework organizers
I have something that is excellent for back to school! It is the Bubble Planner Student Edition! I previously reviewed a Bubble Planner for my own use, and I absolutely love it. It has made getting and staying organized so much easier. 

This particular organizer for students is a wonderful product. My daughter is starting 8th grade next month, and I had her sit with me and look through this. She loved all the features and thinks it will be a great way to keep track of homework, subjects, ideas and so much more.

There is a section in the Bubble Planner Student Edition for Goal Setting. This is the place to record the big picture view of your life. It is also a place to create what you want to be, do and have.

Another section is the Rudder (Task Management) section. It is the steering mechanism that will keep you on track and moving towards your dreams and goals. After this are the Next Action Categories for Phone Calls, Computer Actions, Home Actions and Office Actions.

My daughter’s favorite part of this planner is the Grade Recorder (where you can keep track of assignments and tests, AND write down your grade). I like this idea because it reminds kids exactly where they are at grade wise, and where they need to improve. There are so many neat features of this planner that will really help students. It also has a wonderful section called the “Homework Keeper”. It is easy-to-read and includes areas to check when assignments are due, and when they are done. It is spelled out so well. My daughter was very excited about this part. She is anxious to use the Bubble Planner Student Edition when school starts….now THAT is saying a lot!
Bubble Planner giveawayFrom The Bubble Planner website:

The bulging backpack, the missing homework, the test he or she didn’t know about. Does this sound familiar? When your child meets the multiple-class structure of middle school, there is a big learning curve. Even the straight-A child will begin to lose confidence if he or she misses deadlines, loses books, or can’t get to class on time.

The Homework Helper is a must for any parent who has heard the words, “I forgot my homework!”

Ideal for Intermediate, Middle School, and Junior High students.

The two Bubble Planners I mention above are certainly not the only ones available. There is a Bubble Planner for every need. I know I have stayed on top of things since I have been using mine, and I know my daughter will too! We highly recommend the Bubble Planner Homework Helper!

Benefits of using a planner:

  • Staying organized
  • Reducing stress levels for everyone
  • A sense of accomplishment
  • Teaches kids good habits at a young age
  • Lets the child take ownership of their homework assignments or jobs they may have

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Eighty MPH Mom has has received a sample of above product for review. This compensation has no bearing on review outcome. Opinions expressed herein are solely those of blog author.


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Eighty Mph Mom
Lyric Spencer

I’m all about sharing great products, recipes, home decor, and parenting hacks for busy moms.

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