A Good Night’s Rest to Bring Your Best

ZzzQuil favorite things

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Who has time to be groggy and lethargic all day, due to a lack of sleep the night before? Not this girl, that’s for sure! I have important things to do each and every day, but when I don’t sleep soundly the night before, I have no energy, and I am definitely not inspired to do much. Unfortunately I do have trouble sleeping, and need to take a sleep aid some nights.

I am SO glad that I gave Vicks ZzzQuil a shot. It helped when other sleep aids failed me. I really don’t like that “dazed” feeling I get when I take other brands. Yes a good night sleep is important, but it does me no good when I can barely move in the morning! I need to bring my A-game every, single, day and I always want to to feel and look as good as I can.

log bed
I definitely enjoy (and need) my beauty sleep! Starting the day looking refreshed just makes me feel good. When I head out the door and I look rested, my day seems to start on the right foot. I know that I am ready to take on any challenge that comes my way. Bring it on!

As a mom, especially, it seems like everyone else’s needs usually come first. It is important to prioritize things in the evening, to set the stage for a restful night and day.

ZzzQuil favorite things
Here are some tips that help me get a great night’s rest:

Enjoy some “me” time! It is important to take some “me” time in the evenings before going to bed. How? If you have children, try getting them to bed at least a couple of hours before you plan on turning in for the night. Also prepare the next days lunches, lay out school clothes, etc., before they go to bed. Concentrate on YOU for a couple of hours before hitting the sack!

Don’t eat anything late at night! Food doesn’t have time to settle when you eat shortly before going to bed. If I eat right before I go to bed, I get serious heartburn (and/or an upset stomach), which keeps me awake.

Take a warm bath or shower before bedtime. I know this is not always possible when you have little ones, but definitely sneak one in when you can. The warm water relaxes the body makes you sleepy. Add in moisturizing beads, oil, epson salts or another product of your choice, that will make your skin feel good and you relaxed.

Make sure you have a comfy bed and pillow. I know this firsthand – an uncomfortable bed can definitely make you lose sleep! Equally important is the proper pillow. Ever since I had my neck surgery, I am very choosy about my pillow and the support it offers.

Your mattress is another important part of a comfy bed. A bad mattress equals a bad night’s sleep and no end of back problems. Look for the right mattress for you, and make sure you get a quality mattress to ensure the best night’s sleep. 

A cheaper option is to find a quality mattress topper, which will boost your bed’s comfort levels. Check out Turmerry toppers for a great way to make your bed so much more comfortable and welcoming.

Take ZzzQuil on those nights when you just can’t fall asleep. Sleep is so essential. When you have those occasional nights when you just can’t get to rest, try ZzzQuil (from the makers of Vicks NyQuil) when you have an important project, meeting, etc. the following day, to ensure you are rested. Tackle whatever tomorrow holds for you, while feeling and looking your best.

If you are traveling, make sure you pack ZzzQuil. Hotels can be noisy (especially when you are next to an elevator!), and the beds can be uncomfortable. Sometimes it is just hard to sleep when you are away from home. Don’t forget this essential item! Click here for a coupon to try it yourself

What I love about Vicks ZzzQuil is that it is a non-habit-forming sleep-aid. It is perfect for occasional use, when you are struggling to fall (or stay) asleep.

What about you? What do you do for a restful sleep? How do you bring your A-game?

Check out these blog posts for additional tips on how to #BringYourBest:
Beauty Brite
Mom Generations
5 Minutes for Mom
And this video:

Love Twitter parties? Make sure you join in the fun! Wednesday, February 24th from 8–9 pm EST, Rachel from The Chic and Audrey from Mom Generations will be hosting a twitter party. Just follow #BringYourBest!

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13 Responses

  1. I need to get some of this ZzzQuil to help me I have trouble falling asleep. I have heard that it is safe and non addicting. What a great product to try and get some rest.

  2. Hubby and I use Zzzquil all the time. In fact I just took some (lol!). This stuff is a God send! It has helped both of us have a good nights sleep. I’m always recommending Zzzquil to everyone! It’s awesome and doesn’t leave you drowsy in the morning like other sleep aid.

  3. I have tried Nyquil when I am sick..I have not tried this but will have to check it out it sounds great 🙂

  4. I have many nights I can’t sleep. It is true to not eat late, you will be up later in the night than you want to be. I will consider this pillow. I know for me, if I can’t sleep, I start changing out pillows for the most comfortable on.

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Eighty Mph Mom
Lyric Spencer

I’m all about sharing great products, recipes, home decor, and parenting hacks for busy moms.

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