Summer is just around the corner and now is a good time as ever to teach your children how to be safe in the sunshine. You might think that they’ll be fine going out to play with all their friends, and they probably will, but unless you teach them how to be sun safe, they are always going to be at risk of sunstroke, sunburn and other illnesses that are related to being overheated. The skin can be badly damaged in children that are exposed to UV rays without sunscreen or coverage. 

How to Keep Your Kids Sun-Safe

UV exposure is actually the main cause of Melanoma, and not just in adults. Just one instance of blistering sunburn can double the risk of developing Melanoma later on in life. The good news is that it’s preventable, and keeping your children sun safe doesn’t have to be boring. Teenagers may not want to wear a hat when they go outside, but printed bandanas in any style can really help to encourage them to keep their heads covered. There are some very easy but important steps that you need to help your children to learn to keep them safe while they are out in the sun and those are listed for you below.


Image source: Pexels

  • Play in the shade. The sun is always at its strongest around midday, but it also coincides with children playing in the playground or going out with their friends. If you teach them the importance of playing in the shade, children won’t be exposed to so much sunshine. Using parasols, umbrellas or canopies where you can will mean that your children will be covered from the outright blast of sunshine.
  • Wear long sleeves. While it may be hot outside it’s tempting to dress your children in vest tops and dresses. But the problem with that is that shoulders are a prime area for burning. Loose fitting, cotton sleeves can help to keep them cool, or a simple light shirt over a desktop will be light enough to keep them cool but covered enough to keep their shoulders from burning. You could also invest in good sun protective clothing.
  • Slap on a hat. Caps, bucket hats, bandanas and wide brim hats can offer protection from the sun. Surfer style hats are a great option and sun protector hats have large covers of fabric around the back and the sides to shade the face and neck. These are especially important if your children are playing in water outside because the reflective nature of water means that they will easily burn.
  • Invest in some good sunglasses. Wearing sunglasses can help protect your children against both UVA and UVB rays. Both of these rays can’t affect your eyes, but great quality sunglasses can protect them from damage and glare. Wrap around sunglasses are great for kids, because not only does the sun stop coming through the gaps, they can still run and play without them falling off.


Slapping on some sunscreen and slipping on sandals is a great way to ensure that your children are fully covered when they go out in the sun.




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Eighty Mph Mom
Lyric Spencer

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