It’s no secret that I love, love, love floral arrangements and especially this time of the year. Christmas floral arrangements truly make the season merry and bright….I also find them so calming. It’s the one little piece of my yearly holiday experience that I can just enjoy without any stress or panic. I count on
Teleflora – the floral service that delivers made-by-hand bouquets directly to your door to do all of that and they always deliver.

This year, I received the
oh-so-beautiful Flurry of Elegance bouquet from Teleflora. Made locally, to say that it is stunning, is an understatement. Full of red and white roses, it’s also full of carnations, chrysanthemums and fragrant winter greenery.

It’s adorned with glistening snowflakes and red berries inside of a limited edition white porcelain vase with a snowflake on the front and the back. It doubles as a beautiful votive! It will work all winter long in my house.

Teleflora works with local florists to provide only the best bouquets and because they are each hand made you can bet that only the best flowers were selected and of course, they are delivered with a genuine smile and care.

The 2019 Christmas floral arrangements are a joyful and festive selection this year featuring those the bold red and soft white flowers. From an elegant and beautiful centerpiece that includes candles to a delightful Snowman Mug bouquet. I love the variety as there is something for everyone!
Connect with Teleflora on the various social media channels to keep up-to-date with their newest collections. Flowers always, always, always make a perfect gift! It’s a thoughtful way to let others know you’re thinking of them…and it takes the pressure off of you to find the perfect gift because flowers are already the most perfect gift out there! Take note, dear husband!
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