Parenting 101: 5 Tips to Raise Happy and Healthy Children

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You want to raise happy and healthy children but it’s no easy task because although it can be full of full of joy and wonder, it can also be full of frustration.

If you want to raise successful kids both in and out of school, this post is a great help. Continue reading…

happy and healthy children
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Make Outdoor Fun A Habit to Raise Happy and Healthy Children

Studies show that time spent in nature has a significant influence on the health and wellness of a child. Get your kids involved in outdoor activities. Play baseball, soccer, or football, go swimming, take hikes or attend surf camps. Take them to the park when the weather is nice and let them burn off energy by having fun and playing games with you. When you make outdoor fun a habit for your kids, they will get exercise, learn how to work as part of a team, and develop physical skills.

Discipline with Love

The key to a successful relationship with your kids is love. Be loving and consistent with your children, and they will respect you. Avoid yelling, or harsh words. Make sure they understand you are correcting their behavior not because you are angry with them but because you love them. Show that you love them by being emotionally stable and positive when they misbehave. 

Teach Responsibility

Your children need to learn responsibility. They need to understand that they are responsible for their actions and their effect on others. They should understand the consequences of their actions, whether it is at school or home. If they do something wrong, they should know if they can fix it themselves or not. If they can’t, they should tell someone in the right way. Every time your children misbehave, pay attention to the detail of what they did or what it involved. You can let them know that you are curious about the situation and want to understand, but you will only value their experience when you learn from it yourself.

Cut back on their Screen time

The average screen time for an eight-year-old is almost 11 hours a day. A separate study has found that watching TV can reduce children’s empathy. They should only have one or two hours of screen time, which they should use for educational purposes. It’s essential to make sure your kids don’t spend too much time on their electronic devices, as it takes away from the physical fun they should be having outdoors and in other social activities. 

Encourage Healthy Eating Habits

If you want to raise healthy kids, you will have to create habits for eating healthy foods. If your kids eat a lot of junk food, they will get sick more often. Teach them a love of fresh fruits, vegetables, and lean meats. You can do this by exposing them to various foods when they are younger. Include all kinds in their diet and tell them what each tastes like to develop an opinion and connection.

Summing Up

If you want to raise happy and healthy children, you must make time for them. It’s not just about giving them the things they need; you have to be there when they need you. Be involved in their activities and let them be a part of yours, too. Take a class with your kids and let them come along with you on a trip or vacation. Don’t forget to enjoy some fun activities with them too. It may take a lot of time and effort, but you will raise happy and healthy children if you use the right approach. 

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Eighty Mph Mom
Lyric Spencer

I’m all about sharing great products, recipes, home decor, and parenting hacks for busy moms.

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