Rubbermaid Junk Drawer Organizer

The famous “junk drawer”.  We all have them, and most of them are, well, junky.  I am ashamed to admit that since we moved in this house six years ago, I have not ever gone through ours and organized it.  I threw stuff in there when we first moved in and it has become an unsightly mess.  Against my better judgment, I am going to show you “before” pictures.  Before what you ask? Well before I received the Rubbermaid Junk Drawer organizer to try out for review.  I have been needing something like this for quite some time (obviously!), but it is such a daunting task to remove and sort everything.

junk drawer

I followed the tips on the instruction sheet, about making three piles.  I actually threw almost everything away. It is amazing what accumulates in  junk drawers. Packets of soy sauce? Are you kidding me?  I did not put those there.  I pulled the drawer out, gave it a good surface cleaning and placed my new Rubbermaid organizer in it.  I assigned a spot for everything and look at my amazing results:

clean junk drawer

Rubbermaid has always had innovative products to help stay organized, keep food fresh, etc.  I did a Rubbermaid Gift Wrap Organizer review previously, and I was so happy with that product as well.  Next Christmas I will know where to find all my wrapping paper and supplies.

Thank you Rubbermaid for this wonderful product –  I am beyond thrilled!

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The only compensation received for any review post, is a sample of product. Compensation never has a bearing on the outcome of a review. The opinions expressed herein are those of blog author only. I received the above product for free for this review/post. For further information, please refer to my Acknowledgment Policy.


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Eighty Mph Mom
Lyric Spencer

I’m all about sharing great products, recipes, home decor, and parenting hacks for busy moms.

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