2010 Superbowl Commercials – My Likes and Dislikes
Did you watch Superbowl? I watched some of it with hubby – mostly I watched the commercials. Isn’t that why most women watch Superbowl? Every year there are some hilarious commercials, some commercials I just don’t get at all, and some that are just mediocre.
My vote for funniest commercial – all of the Denny’s ones, with the screaming chickens. Denny’s is hosting another free breakfast day shortly, and the chickens have lots of eggs to lay LOL. I couldn’t find a good video of this one on YouTube, but by the time you read this, there will probably be a good, clear video.
My “touching” favorite this year – Good ol’ Anheuser-Busch Clydesdales. I love these guys, and the hubs and I had a serious “awwww” moment when this aired:
My pick for “huh?” commercial: The Coke Simpsons ad. Ummm, I just don’t get it. I think Coke could have done much better.