You may have heard me mention previously how my current kitchen lacks counter and cabinet space. This can be very frustrating, especially when boxes get shoved to the rear of my cabinets, making it really hard to find what I need. When that happens, our food tends to be forgotten about, and goes stale quickly. I am so excited to review Rubbermaid Modular Canisters – my new must-have product!
Rubbermaid Modular Canisters are a great solution to organizing your pantry. Remove those bags and boxes of pasta, cookies, chips, baking supplies, etc. and put your ingredients into Modular Canisters whose space efficient design maximizes shelf space. Lids snap tight for a secure seal to help keep items fresh. A comfortable grip allows for easy handling and graduation marks make measuring easy!

I can easily see myself buying several sets of these – they are perfect for my needs. Since I have begun storing mainly dried goods in these, I am anxious to store pretty much everything in them. I know my foods are fresh and they will remain fresh, since the lids snap tight for a secure seal. I have to admit, I am a stickler for fresh food – maybe a little too much. It seems like food goes bad so quickly, and I end up throwing so much away. I always feel guilty doing so, but I cannot stand the thought of old and stale food. I would say that I am a new Rubbermaid fan, but the truth is that I have been a fan for a long time. I am still madly in love with the snap-lid set that I previously reviewed. Rubbermaid Modular Canisters have impressed me as much as all of the other Rubbermaid products I have tried.
These are going to save me so much room in my cabinet as well. They are slim and stackable and I can organize in so many different ways! I put Penne pasta in one of the canisters, and in the smallest canister I put spice/sauce mix envelopes. No longer will these be scattered in the cabinet – they are neatly stacked in one place! Next on my list is putting our cereal in the large narrow canister. Oh more good news: Rubbermaid Modular Canisters are dishwasher safe! This is always a plus in my book!
Rubbermaid has oodles of fabulous products to help you keep your home organized and your food fresh:

For more ideas about the Modular Canisters, check out the Rubbermaid blog! There you will find helpful tips and ideas about the canisters. I found this set for $18.24 at Ideal True Hardware.
420 Responses
I could use the produce savers
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
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The No Slip INterlocking Drawer Organizer would really help me out!
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I need to get organized. The Rubbermaid Adjustable Over the Door Organizer would really help me.
abfantom at yahoo dot com
produce savers and the flex and carry hamper are high on my list!
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First let me say I am happy to see that your site is loading faster for me now. Thanks for working so hard to clear up the problems.
I would love Rubbermaids Deluxe Configurations Closet Kits to help me get organized.
I NEED this: Roughneck® X-Large Storage Shed!!!
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I could use the Full Double Door Cabinet. solta(at)hotmaildotcom
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The produce savers look great.
I also love the deluxe tool tower for the garage!
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The Full Double Door Cabinet would be great for organizing my garage.
nanoarta1 at gmail dot com
I LOVE the deluxe tool tower.
Thanks for the chance.
I could really use their drawer organizer for my junk drawer
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the Configurations® Customizable Closet Kits for our master bedroom closet would be so helpful!
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com
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Custom. Closet Set
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The Adjustable Over the Door Organizer would be awesome!
cmw_2289 at yahoo dot com
Tweeted http://twitter.com/pittsy82/status/12764384300
The Expanding Helper Shelves would be great in the pantry. I'm definitely getting some.
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I really love the Dual Access Shoe Box..have not seen it elsewhere but such a neat idea to have another access so one does not need to get the box out each time.
Also I have the produce savers and they are fabulous!
bvbabybv at gmail dot com
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Another Rubbermaid product that would help me get organized is the Clever Store Premium Latch – Clear Lid Container. jgs0925 at gmail dot com
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The Under Shelf Basket would help me to get my pantry organied.cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com
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I also like the 75 Qt DuraChill™ Wheeled 5-Day Cooler!
I'd like to get my garage organized with one of those tool stands, carawling(at)hotmail(Dot)com
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I would like a whole new Rubbermaid storage set to help me get organized. My current storage is all stained. 🙁
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I'd love those stacking recycling bins!
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I really DO like Rubbermaid products; they are so much better than any of the other widely-available commercial plastic products. My daughter is vegetarian, so that means that I end up buying lots of fresh veggies for the house, BUT lots go bad before we get a chance to eat them, so I really need some Produce Savers for my fridge!
Tweeted http://twitter.com/pittsy82/status/12886078366
The roughneck wheeled storage containers would be great in our garage. seraphou@aol.com
Under Shelf Basket
I would love to have a flex and carry laundry basket.
The slide outt pan and lid organizer or just the lid organizer!
petrellinyc-slinky at yahoo dot com
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Prizey Boost
I'd love the Patio Storage Bench to help with our outside organization
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EZ Step™ Folding Step Stool
Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<
bloggyig at gmail dot com
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I could use the Enhanced Large Drainer w/Loft
robin at lolidots.com
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I like the Vertical Ball Organizer for the garage!
thank you!
ejrichter60 at gmail dot com
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I'd love to get the No Slip Cuttlery Trays.
delightfully@gmail dot com
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We recycle now and their14 Gal Stacking Recycle Bins would really help me get organized.
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the Easy Find Lids containers would help me too… I can never find the right lid on the first try…
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I would like the Slide Out Lid & Pan Organizer
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I like the Medium Deck Box with Seat
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I could use the Fast Track system in my garage.
cgclynsg0 at gmail dot com
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Tweeted http://twitter.com/pittsy82/status/13197642743
The No Slip Twin Turntable would sure help me organize the spice cabinet!!
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I have the fruit saver, and love it. I also have the snap lids, and it's great!.
I'm looking at the premium chug bottles for the boys.
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ejrichter60 at gmail dot com
I could really use the Deluxe Tool Tower in my gardening shed
cathyhorner at embarqmail dot com
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The produce savers would be awesome to own. Jenprincess88 at aol dot com
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Tweeted http://twitter.com/pittsy82/status/13316915596
Luv to win it! Thx much. swiener1[a]tampabay.rr.com
really nice for storage
I'd use all these
kitchen cabin makeover
I could use the produce savers I buy alot of fresh produce
I'd love their TakeAlongs® Twist & Seal for wet foods and fluids. Too many times we've had something tip and leak in the fridge or a lunch bag.
I really love the produce savers! My fruit and veggies are always going bad because I can't find them in my packed fridge!
Tweeted http://twitter.com/pittsy82/status/13375798636
The Slide Out Lid & Pan Organizer would be a help in the kitchen.
I love the medium sized deck box from Rubbermaid. I had no idea they made them. They look so nice and unbreakable (well…..as much as is possible.)
The Clever Store Non-Latching – Clear Lid is something else that would help me be organized. I need about 20 of them!
Alicia Webster
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gotta say the closet kits. we need those bad!
I would like Expanding Helper Shelves
I think the Stack'n Sort™ Basket are really cool! i really would love them for my son's toys!
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i would like the drawer organizer
addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com
Realy could use the Adjustable Over the Door Organizer.Also a fan on facebook. snotbrain@europe.com
The under shelf basket would work well in my pantry.
The Fast Track Garage Organization System seems like it would be a great way to make my tiny garage more useful.
I like the Litterless Juice Boxes. Thanks.
these are great im in
Tweeted http://twitter.com/pittsy82/status/13441540152
I could use the Pantry with a purpose the adjustable over the door organizer
Classic Configurations Closet Kits would help me get organized
Kathy N Scott likes rubbermaid on facebook
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I would love the over the door organizer. 🙂
HomeAndHappiness @ gmail . com
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I tweeted this give away!
Latest: "Win an 8-piece Rubbermaid Modular Canister Set! @EightyMPHMom https://eightymphmom.com" less than 5 seconds ago
HomeAndHappiness @ gmail . com
I would like the new Premier food storage containers. They are made with Tritan™ plastic that resists stains and odors. Plus, Premiers have Flex & Seal™ lids that are easy to seal and remove. Part of the Easy Find Lids system, Premier lids snap to bases and other lids for easy organization and nest together to take up less room in your cabinets.
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ejrichter60 at gmail dot com
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the turntables are must haves for kitchen and bathroom cabinets
I also like the Rubbermaid Produce Savers.
Thank you so much for the chance to win.
I am a fan via Facebook as Jill Myrick.
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My kitchen is very small, so the Expanding Helper Shelves would help me organize my space better!
My kitchen is very small, so the Expanding Helper Shelves would help me organize my space better!
My kitchen is very small, so the Expanding Helper Shelves would help me organize my space better!
Tweeted! http://twitter.com/chrisec/status/13525845448
Since living in Florida and getting damage from 3 hurricanes I have become a container person.
The problem even with labeling containers is that you still want to see sometimes what is in container without having a 5 page long label now comes the Roughneck Clear
This would be a perfect addition to my family
Thank you so very much for giving me a chance to be a winner
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Tammy Kennedy
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Thank you so very much for giving me a chance to be a winner
love their Dual Access Shoe Box
chromiumman (at) mail (dot) com
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ejrichter60 at gmail dot com
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/stowelljg/status/13542269075
Full Double Door Cabinet would help meget organized
The Rubbermaid Adjustable Over the Door Organizer would really help me get organized!
The FastTrack Adjustable Closet Kits would be a great help! We have very small closets
I"m a fan of Rubbermaid on Facebook – barbara wright
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I also like the Corner Tool Tower.
5/7 Tweet – http://twitter.com/chrisec/status/13558213164
I like the FastTrack Adjustable Closet Kits
I'm a facebook fan of Rubbermaid – barbara wright
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FastTrack Adjustable Closet Kits
Tweeted http://twitter.com/pittsy82/status/13563297040
I like the Roughneck XL Storage Shed. debsweeps4@yahoo.com
The Full Double Door Cabinet is great!
I need the Full Double Door Cabinet to help with my garage.
I follow Rubbermaid on Twitter: Rambling69
I could use at least 2 of their drawer organizers… one for the kitchen 'junk drawer' and 1 for 'that drawer' in my home office desk.
I could use the 4-8 ft FreeSlide Organizer to organize my daughter's closet.
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The FastTrack Garage Organization Products look amazing, and I know that my dh would appreciate them (even as a birthday gift,)because he's a neat freak!
I would like to get some produce savers
I love the rubbermaid storage sheds. Defiantly would help with storage and organization.
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I joined rubbermaid newsletter.
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I would like the Produce Saver.
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jewell330 at aim dot com
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Oval Hamper!
I subscribed by rss feed. skyxsky27(at)gmail.com
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I would like to try the produce keeper. I seem to waste more money on discarded produce than anything else that I buy! Since I have little storage space the 8 piece set would be very helpful to organize my pantry.
I would also love to have their Plastic Drawer Organizers.
constancelavery at msn dot com
The Wheeled Hamper would be an enormous help. In fact, I plan to buy one!
I like the produce saver.
kathyo1999 at gmail dot com
Daily tweet:
I love the produce savers!
I would really like to have the Produce Saver. Thanks!
Produce Saver would help me.
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Rubbermaids Deluxe Configurations Closet Kits.
Clever Store Basic Latch – Clear Lid would be great for keeping my craft stuff all together in one place!
Thanks for the giveaway!
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I'm a Rubbermaid fan on facebook-Joanne Schultz. http://www.facebook.com/js2222
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Tweeted http://twitter.com/pittsy82/status/13619598538
the Produce Savers would be great to have we loose so much product thanks for the chance to win eaglesforjack@gmail.com
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i subscribe thanks
I have one of their produce savers and I could sure use some more of those.
dlodden at frontiernet dot net
definitely their large storage bin to put our dogfood in
rubbermaid fb fan
tiffany b pettey
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Rubbermaid’s Large Open Wastebaskets with LinerLock would help me organize my recycling.
I like the Stck'n Sort laundry baskets. Thanks for the chance. bekki1820cb at gmail
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bekki1820cb at gmail
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The Canvas Storage Chest with Cedar would help me organize. garrettsambo@aol.com
id love the Deluxe Configurations Closet Kit i have clothes everywhere
rm fan on facebook Kathy L Pease
following rm on twitter klp1965
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your fan on facebook Kathy L Pease
I could use the Adjustable Over The Door Organizer
I could really use the Adjustable Over the Door Organizer.
I'm a fan of Rubbermaid on Facebook.
I follow Rubbermaid on Twitter as willitara.
Thanks for the giveaway…you can never have too many Roughneck Storage Boxes around !!!
senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com
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I like the shoe shelf for the closet.
I need them! I was looking at them today!!!!
Wall mounted organization system would be ideal.
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Twitter name: 1prizewinner
Produce Saver