We’re quickly approaching my favorite holiday, it also happens to be my anniversary. Yes, my husband and I were married on February 14th, the day of love, Valentine’s Day. It’s romantic, he never forgets our anniversary and I can help but feel the love nearly all month long. I believe that Valentine’s day is also the best day ever to send a bouquet of flowers from the best
flower delivery service to those that you love. Why not enjoy a beautiful Teleflora Love Out Loud Valentine’s Day flower arrangement this year?
The world’s leading floral gifting service has an incredible array of spectacular bouquets that are always made by hand and hand-delivered to your door by a local florist. This is not mail-order flowers that always seem to be smushed or just…meh. No, I’m talking the freshest blooms, arranged by local flower shop. It’s personal and I love it.
I received Teleflora’s Sterling Love Bouquet from one of my favorite local shops and this arrangement is stunning! Not only are the flowers the best quality, they are fragrant and I’ve received so many compliments on this bouquet – it only speaks of the quality that Teleflora expects but what our local floral shop produces. It includes fresh red roses, pink Asiatic lilies and red Alstroemeria, carnations and greenery.
Let me tell you, the flowers are amazing, they are. That vase is stunning. It absolutely takes this beautiful bouquet over the top and the fact that that is the curated selection specifically created by Teleflora yet hand crafted in a local floral shop is amazing.
Teleflora offers a selection of bouquets that allow you to Love Out Loud this Valentine’s Day at several different price points, but no matter the price it’s love. This Valentine’s Day choose between the Country Sweetheart Bouquet, Sweetest Satin Bouquet, Happy Harmony Bouquet (as pictured above, left to right) or the amazing bouquet that I received, the Sterling Love Bouquet.
Floral bouquets are such a wonderful way to tell someone how much you love and appreciate them, take it to the next with Teleflora and Love Out Loud this Valentine’s Day.
Decorating for Valentine’s Day is always fun, and if you need some inspiration, check out these cute Valentine’s Day decor ideas from my friend Virginia who blogs at That Bald Chick!
Don’t forget to treat mom to a gorgeous flower arrangement from Teleflora for Mother’s Day. I promise you, she will love it!
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128 Responses
I like the Sweetest Satin Bouquet.
I like the Be My Love Bouquet with Red Roses.
All are amazing but I really love the daisies in the Teleflora’s Country Sweetheart Bouquet, so nice!!
Sterling Love Bouquet
I would like the Teleflora’s Sweetest Satin Bouquet
I would love to win The Teleflora Sweetest Satin Bouquet. It’s so beautiful and elegant.
I love the hold me close bouquet.
I would like the Be My Love Bouquet with Red Roses bouquet.
I would love to have the Sterling love bouquet. It’s beautiful!
i think the Jumping for Joy is pretty, I’d like that one
Jumping joy
My name is Cindy weaver
: )
id choose the , Sweetest Satin Bouquet
I would like the Country Sweetheart bouquet.
Jumping for joy is for me
I love the Blooming Belles Bouquet!
I love the Teleflora’s Sterling Love Bouquet.
Sterling Love Boquet is beautiful
I like the Teleflora’s Sweetest Satin Bouquet.
Sweetest Satin Bouquet
The Full of Love bouquet is lovely!
I like the Country Sweetheart Bouquet.
I would love the jumping fir joy bouquet!
I like the purple tulips.
Sweetest Satin Bouquet
Sweetheart flowers are so pretty
The Country Sweetheart Bouquet is my pick.
I would like the Teleflora’s Sterling Love Bouquet
I love the Country Sweetheart Bouquet. Very pretty and I like the roundness of the bouquet of flowers,
I love the Be MY love bouquetwith the stunning whites and reds
I like the Blooming Belles Bouquet!
I would love the Dance with Me Bouquet with Red Roses.
I like the New Sensations bouquet.
I love tulips and the Radiantly Red Tulips arrangement is gorgeous.
I would love the Satin Luxury Bouquet.
I would love to have the Joy Of Roses Bouquet. It is beautiful.
I would love to give my mom the Teleflora’s Pleasing Purple Bouquet!
My favorite is the Dance With Me Bouquet absolutely gorgeous my wife would love it
i think the Crimson Luxury Bouquet is beautiful
I like the Happy Harmony Bouquet
I love their Full Of Love Bouquet, it’s beautiful with lots of colors in it
Passionate purple tulips are beautiful
I would love to have the Hold Me Close arrangement.
I would love to have Blossoms in Vogue
I would like the Happy Harmony Bouquet.
I love the Perfect Peonies bouquet.
I would love to have the sweetest satin bouquet.
I would get the Dance with Me bouquet
I love the Teleflora’s Possibly Pink bouquet.
I’d love to have the Country Sweetheart Bouquet because it has happy daisies in it. Daisies always remind me of spring!
I really like the Vivid Love Bouquet! Simple and colorful!
I like the Sweetest Satin Bouquet.
I really like the Sterling Love Bouquet. I’ve purchased a few from Teleflora and have always been happy with the bouquets.
I love the purple tulip bouquet
I like the Sweetest Satin Bouquet.
I love the Dance with Me Bouquet with Red Roses.
I love the Your Majesty arrangement
Happy Harmony Bouquet is pretty
I would like any of them.
I like the Sterling Love Bouquet.
Oh they are all so beautiful!!! I think I would pick Sweetest Satin Bouquet!
I’d like to have the Teleflora’s Crimson Luxury Bouquet. Thanks.
I would love to have the Teleflora’s Flawless Romance Bouquet.
I like the Hello Beautiful bouquet : )
Teleflora’s Happy Harmony Bouquet
I like the Heart and Soul Bouquet
The Hold me Close
I like blooming belles! So pretty 🙂
beautiful flowers
I like the Happy Harmony bouquet.
I like the Make a Wish Bouquet- so bright and colorful!
I’d love the Passionate Purple Tulips!
I want the country sweetheart bouquet
TELEFLORA’S STERLING LOVE BOUQUET or Teleflora’s Rhapsody in Purple
I would love the country sweetheart bouqet.
Country Sweetheart Bouquet
I love the Hold me close bouquet!
The Possibly Pink bouquet is so pretty!
Happy Harmony Bouquet is my favorite.
I really like Teleflora’s Love That Pink Bouquet with Roses.
I like the Country Sweetheart bouquet.
Country Sweetheart bouquet
The Fashionista Blooms bouquet is beautiful. Thank you!
That Possibiliy Pink is gorgeous!
I like the Rose Rapture.
The Sterling Love Bouquet. It’s gorgeous!!
One that I love Teleflora’s Sweet Thoughts Bouquet with Red Roses
The Country Sweetheart bouquet is very lovely.
Sterling Love Bouquet
The Happy Harmony bouquet is really pretty. I love the container.
Teleflora’s Country Sweetheart Bouquet
Happy Harmony Bouquet
They’re all too beautiful to choose one!
I would love to have Love’s Passion Bouquet.
I love the Crazy for You Bouquet with Red Roses.
I’d get the the Sterling Love Bouquet.
I love the sweetest satin bouquet. It looks so crisp!
I’d like to win the, “Happy Harmony Bouquet” for Mom!
I would love the Teleflora’s Sweetest Satin Bouquet
I was planning on sending the Sterling love bouquet.
I would love to have the Dance with Me bouquet!!!
I heart the Happy Harmony Bouquet!
I like the Blush Rush Bouquet.
I really like the Sweetest Satin bouquet. I love the mix of red and white flowers and the vase is beautiful.
Sterling Love Bouquet , for the pink lilies
I really like the sterling love bouquet.
I like the Country Sweetheart bouqet
I would pick Jumping for Joy.
I like the Golden Laughter Bouquet.
I like the one where the flowers are arranged like a heart
My favorite is the Country Sweetheart bouquet. Those daisies!
The passionate purple tulips bouquet is beautiful! I would love to be gifted that for valentines day
I love the Desert Sunrise Bouquet.
I would like the Always A Lady
I love the Crimson Luxury bouquet!
I love the Teleflora’s Sterling Love Bouquet.
I would love to have the Visions Of Love Bouquet!
We like Teleflora’s Sweet Thoughts Bouquet with Red Roses.
I would choose the Be My Love Bouquet with Red Roses.
I like the country sweetheart bouquet.
I like the Sweetest Satin Bouquet.
Thanks for the contest.
subscribe email: slehan at yahoo dot com
I love the Heart and Soul Bouquet so beautiful
sterling love banquet,
happy harmony bouquet.
Definitely the sterling love arrangement.. So beautiful
I like Sterling Love!
I like the Happy Harmony arrangement.