Teleflora Love Out Loud Valentine’s Day Flower Arrangements

We’re quickly approaching my favorite holiday, it also happens to be my anniversary.  Yes, my husband and I were married on February 14th, the day of love, Valentine’s Day. It’s romantic, he never forgets our anniversary and I can help but feel the love nearly all month long.  I believe that Valentine’s day is also the best day ever to send a bouquet of flowers from the best flower delivery service to those that you love. Why not enjoy a beautiful Teleflora Love Out Loud Valentine’s Day flower arrangement this year?

Teleflora Love Out Loud
The world’s leading floral gifting service has an incredible array of spectacular bouquets that are always made by hand and hand-delivered to your door by a local florist.  This is not mail-order flowers that always seem to be smushed or just…meh.  No, I’m talking the freshest blooms, arranged by local flower shop.  It’s personal and I love it.

Teleflora Love Out Loud
I received Teleflora’s Sterling Love Bouquet from one of my favorite local shops and this arrangement is stunning!  Not only are the flowers the best quality, they are fragrant and I’ve received so many compliments on this bouquet – it only speaks of the quality that Teleflora expects but what our local floral shop produces.  It includes fresh red roses, pink Asiatic lilies and red Alstroemeria, carnations and greenery.


Let me tell you, the flowers are amazing, they are.  That vase is stunning.  It absolutely takes this beautiful bouquet over the top and the fact that  that is the curated selection specifically created by Teleflora yet hand crafted in a local floral shop is amazing.

Teleflora offers a selection of bouquets that allow you to Love Out Loud this Valentine’s Day at several different price points, but no matter the price it’s love.  This Valentine’s Day choose between the Country Sweetheart Bouquet, Sweetest Satin Bouquet, Happy Harmony Bouquet (as pictured above, left to right) or the amazing bouquet that I received, the Sterling Love Bouquet.

Floral bouquets are such a wonderful way to tell someone how much you love and appreciate them, take it to the next with Teleflora and Love Out Loud this Valentine’s Day.

Decorating for Valentine’s Day is always fun, and if you need some inspiration, check out these cute Valentine’s Day decor ideas from my friend Virginia who blogs at That Bald Chick!

Don’t forget to treat mom to a gorgeous flower arrangement from Teleflora for Mother’s Day. I promise you, she will love it!

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128 Responses

  1. All are amazing but I really love the daisies in the Teleflora’s Country Sweetheart Bouquet, so nice!!

  2. I love the Country Sweetheart Bouquet. Very pretty and I like the roundness of the bouquet of flowers,

  3. I really like the Sterling Love Bouquet. I’ve purchased a few from Teleflora and have always been happy with the bouquets.

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Eighty Mph Mom
Lyric Spencer

I’m all about sharing great products, recipes, home decor, and parenting hacks for busy moms.

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