Celebrate All Reasons to Love with Teleflora!

Teleflora Valentine's Bouquet

Romance is in the air, can you feel it? Maybe that’s just me.  Some may say it’s cheesy but I just love the month of February with all of the reds and pinks…it also doesn’t hurt that Valentine’s Day is my anniversary.  Yes, my husband and I were married on Valentine’s Day.  Listen, it was a way for him to always remember the date.  We’re celebrating 19 years!  With Valentine’s Day comes flowers and I’m so excited to share the beautiful lineup from Teleflora!

teleflora valentine's day bouquets
Teleflora Valentine's Day Bouquet
Here’s the thing that I love most about February 14th, it’s completely what you make it!  You might share the day with your partner in life or maybe with a group of your closest friends or maybe, just maybe you’re practicing self-care with a gorgeous bouquet of flowers.  It’s a mix of all three for me! The brand new collection of romantic and cheerful floral arrangements for Valentine’s Day are worth sharing.

Teleflora Valentine's Bouquet
I selected the Pretty in Quartz bouquet because I love pink lilies.  It’s an amazing arrangement of vibrant red roses and carnations, pink Asiatic lilies and Limonium in a beautiful (and I mean beautiful!) hand-blown vase with soft pink gradient tones.  It’s inspired by the rose quartz gemstone that symbolizes love.  And I love everything about it.

Can we talk about this vase?  First, after visiting Chihuly Garden and Glass in Seattle, I’m obsessed with hand blown glass.  It’s such a beautiful art form!  This vase has a lovely soft rose pink color and texture as the it’s so impressive!  Second, this is a vase you’ll want to display year-round.

Teleflora Floral Arrangement
Teleflora is my go-to floral delivery service because I can shop online but always receive handmade floral bouquets right to my door.  Teleflora partners with your local floral shops to provide high quality arrangements.  Not only is the quality top notch, but I love the amazing keepsake containers.  You won’t find a boring container from Teleflora.  It’s just as important as the floral arrangement!

This Valentine’s Day, show your love by gifting a beautiful arrangement!  The 2020 Valentine’s collection is priced starting at $54.99 to $109.99.  It’s the perfect way to show your appreciation, celebrate a friendship, or to say I love you.  Visit Teleflora to find that perfect Valentine’s Day gift!

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22 Responses

  1. Teleflora has so many beautiful arrangements.Something for everyone! I love the flowers you received.

  2. Such beautiful arrangements. The vases are so pretty they are a keepsake . Such a lovely thoughtful gift.

  3. They have so many beautiful arragments to pick from. And then their is the vase so pretty. Flowers make me smila and happy

  4. I love the Pretty in Quartz bouquet too. They look so beautiful.
    Thank you for the great review and nice photos!!

  5. Congrats on 19 yrs! What gorgeous arrangements and ease of mind t send a loved one some joy.

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Eighty Mph Mom
Lyric Spencer

I’m all about sharing great products, recipes, home decor, and parenting hacks for busy moms.

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