This post is made possible by Teleflora.[*]
Psst! A special day is fast-approaching! Before you start panicking, I have a few floral arrangements from Teleflora to show you. If your mom is anything like mine, you cannot go wrong if you ! Heck, I see a few I’d like to get for myself…
Like this lovely bouquet; Thomas Kinkade’s Glorious Goodness. With delightful feminine favorites like lilies and roses – all gathered in an artistic vase. I love Thomas Kincade’s artwork, in fact my mom has a few jigsaw puzzles featuring his paintings. I know she would love this!
The Enchanted Cottage like a beautifully fragrant bouquet! I imagine My grandma would have loved it. I could just see her setting it on her table so she could enjoy the smell all while she drank her morning cuppa and worked on crossword puzzles.
While the Turn Up The Pink Bouquet is vibrant and cheerful! I can think of a few friends who would love this colorful bouquet.
If it were me though, {and hopefully The Mister is reading this} I’d love to receive Zen Artistry. It is stunning! I know just the place where I could admire this simple, yet unique arrangement!
Teleflora has so many beautiful arrangements, I’m sure you’ll find just the one for that special mom in your life. Whether it is your own mom, your wife, girlfriend, or simply for yourself!
I especially appreciate that Teleflora has bouquets with every budget in mind. Simply select the size of your bouquet and you’ll get a good idea of how many flowers will be in the arrangement. Too few flowers? Click the next size and the prize adjusts automatically! You can also add-on balloons, stuffed animals, or chocolate. Because, well, it’s chocolate!
Order Flowers for Mother’s Day:
Teleflora was gracious enough to share a 20% coupon code for Eighty MPH Mom readers to save 20% off Mother’s Day flowers! This code is valid until October 16th, 2014. Simply enter the promo code BLOGSSR at checkout or use the aforementioned link to have the discount automatically applied.
Feel free to connect with Teleflora on Facebook, Google+, Instagram, and Twitter!
One lucky Eighty MPH Mom reader will win a $75 Teleflora Gift Code!
Open to residents of the US – Open until May 5 @ 9pm PST
No purchase necessary. Open to residents of the US. Giveaway ends May 5 at 9pm (PST). ONE ENTRANT PER HOUSEHOLD/IP Address! We check all entries – cheating will not be tolerated.
Winner{s} will be chosen randomly by Rafflecopter, and winner’s name will be displayed on the Rafflecopter widget within 3 days of end date. Winner will be notified via email and must reply within 48 hours. If no reply has been received within that timeframe, a new winner will be chosen. Please make sure you check your spam folder, as we are not responsible for lost winning email notifications. Winners name(s) will also be posted on the Eighty MPH Mom Winners List within 2 weeks of drawing.
**By entering this giveaway, you confirm that you have read and agree to the Eighty MPH Mom giveaway rules. Prize will be shipped directly from sponsor or their PR Agency unless otherwise noted. Sponsor reserves the right to limit one prize per person/household {of this item/prize pack}. Please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery of prize {although it is usually much sooner}.
* [Erin received monetary compensation for sharing this giveaway. All opinions expressed are her own. Giveaway prize provided by Teleflora.↩
183 Responses
I would choose Teleflora’s Pink Bliss Bouquet
i like the fashionista blooms
Jumping For Joy bouquet.
I would choose Teleflora’s Enchanted Cottage for my Mom.
I love the pure happiness bouqet
butterfly serenity.
I would love to get the Teleflora’s Lavender Grace Bouquet
I think my mom would most like Bejeweled Beauty
I Love the Lavender Grace Bouquet!
I would choose the Fashionista Blooms for my mom, she loves her flowers!
i like Passionate Purple Tulips and would most likely pick them.
I would choose Wondrous Wishes by Teleflora.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I like the Spring Waltz
If I won I would choose Teleflora’s Pink Bliss Bouquet for my mother…gorgeous!
I really like the turn up the pink bouquet. I also love their selections of bouquets with lilies.
I love the Teleflora’s Radiant Reflections Bouquet
and basically every other bouquet =)
I really love the Divine Orchid.I also love the Zen arrangement!
Visited the site and I really like the Country Basket Blooms
I like Teleflora’s Lavender Grace Bouquet 🙂
Fashionista Blooms
i like the Spring Waltz,so pretty
Full of Love bouqet!
I like Telaflora Polka Dots and Posies
I would choose the Teleflora’s Lavender Grace Bouquet.
Teleflora’s Possibly Pink
i would choose the sweet as sugar arrangement for my mom!
I would get the Teleflora’s Lavender Grace Bouquet
My favorite is the Teleflora’s Pink Bliss Bouquet.
i like the cute pink vase!
I would choose the Imagination Blooms with Cymbidium Orchids.
The Everything Rosy bouquet
I would chose Teleflora’s Turn Up The Pink Bouquet
Wow, I’d get the Fashionista Blooms! So pretty and unusual! I love it – for any occasion!
Passionate Purple Tulips
The Imagination Blooms with Cymbidium Orchids is quite unique. They’re all very pretty!
I like the Pink Bliss Bouquet.
I would love to send my mother the Teleflora’s Pink Bliss Bouquet for Mothers Day!
spring sonota
I’d choose the Country Basket Blooms.
I love the Polka Dots and Posies!
Teleflora’s Radiant Reflections Bouquet
I love the Enchanted Cottage arrangement.
I’d choose Teleflora’s Opulent Orchids.
Teleflora’s Imperial Purple Orchid
Thanks for the contest.
Country Basket Blooms.
I love the Just Tickled Bouquet!
My mom would love the Divine Orchid.
The Teleflora Lavender Grace Bouquet is lovely!
I would choose Teleflora’s Enchanted Garden Bouquet.
My mother loves Thomas KInkade so this one was easy for me. I would choose the Thomas Kindkades Glorious Goodness. She would absolutely flip over this. It is beautiful!
I really like the polka dots and posies bouquet. Its very pretty.
I like the pure joy bouquet, its not fair I had such a hard time picking one they are all gorgeous!!
I love the Teleflora’s Imperial Purple Orchid!
the Lavender Grace Bouquet
butterfly serenity.
I would choose the Country Basket Blooms
I really like the Enchanted Cottage bouquet.
I like the Lavender Grace selection.
I would choose the Polka Dots and Posies Bouquet
i would pick the wonderous wishes basket
I live the variety in the Wondrous Wishes bouquet.
Wondrous Wishes by Teleflora.
I love the Fresh Flourish Bouquet.
I like the garden romance.
The possibly pink and the jumping for joy bouquets are gorgeous!
I’d choose Wondrous Wishes.
I Would Choose The Teleflora’s Sunny Day Pitcher Of Charm
I’d choose the Fashionista Blooms bouquet.
She would love Teleflora’s Upsy Daisy bouquet
Spring Sonata and Fashionista Blooms are so pretty!
Either the Thomas Kinkade’s Glorious Goodness or enchanted cottage
I love the buttferly serenity bouquet.
I’d choose the Full Of Love Bouquet.
I’d chose the Pink Bliss bouquet
I would choose the Radiant Reflections Bouquet.
I’d get the Zen Artistry
The Lavender Grace Bouquet.
Id love the Teleflora’s Butterfly Serenity Bouquet
I’d choose the Artfully Yours Bouquet for my mom. Love the purple and pinks, lilies and hydrangea?
What could be better than My Little Chickadee by Teleflora to welcome my daughter into her new status as Mom 😉
Pink Bliss Bouquet
The Spring has Sprung selection looks nice, but my mom has dementia, so I’d pick one of their fruit baskets for a gift, she loves fruit.
Fashionista Blooms
I like the Possibly Pink Bouquet!
Country Basket Blooms
i like the Jumping for Joy bouquet
I would choose the ‘Perfectly Pastel’!
Teleflora’s Upsy Daisy>>>this is my FAV
I would choose the Fashionista Blooms.
I like Spring Sonata and I think my mother would too.
I would pick the Enchanted Cottage.
I really like the Teleflora’s Pink Bliss Bouquet.
So many great choices, I just want to pick them all! If I had to go with just one, I think I’d pick the How Sweet It Is bouquet 🙂
I would choose the Country basket Blooms because my mother is also an avid basket hoarder and would love this. Thanks.
Sunrise Sunset is very pretty!
I would rather get the “Take Me Out to the Ballgame Basket”.
love the Divine Orchid
I would get the bouquet called Like A Lady. It’s very pretty!
the lavenders grace is so beautiful thanks you
pink bliss boquet
I would choose the, How Sweet It Is arrangement.
I’d choose the Queen’s Court!
I like the Teleflora’s Everything Rosy Gift Bouquet.
I would choose 2 to the same house for my two granddaughters age 9 and 14. I lost my mom in death last month so this would be a nice way for all of us to remember her. One is called the How Sweet It Is and the other is called The Jumping for Joy!
I like Teleflora’s Lavender Grace!
Teleflora’s Fresh Flourish Bouquet
Teleflora’s Lavender Grace Bouquet
Just love them
I would choose the Jumping For Joy bouquet!
I love the Fashionista Blooms. So pretty!
I especially love this one:
Fashionista Blooms
I would pick the Teleflora’s Lavender Grace Bouquet
I love the Teleflora’s Butterfly Serenity Bouquet
I would choose Pink Bliss Bouquet or Thomas Kinkade’s Glorious Goodness.
Id order the
Wondrous Wishes by Teleflora
I would pick the
Sweet as Sugar by Teleflora
I would pick the Sweet as Sugar Bouquet
I would choose the Country Basket Blooms Bouquet.
i would love to send my wife the Teleflora’s Imperial Purple Orchid..she loves orchids and she is a awesome momma and deserves it@
I like the flower mix in the Spring Waltz
i might choose the Teleflora’s Pink Bliss Bouquet
i like the How Sweet It Is bouquet.
They are all so pretty! I like the spring waltz arrangement.
I Love the Lavender Grace Bouquet!
I would choose the Zen Artistry Flowers.
I love the Teleflora’s Upsy Daisy. They are so cheery!
I really like the Teleflora’s Blushing Lilies.
I like the divine orchid
I’d choose the Spring Has Sprung Mixed Basket . Thanks.
id pick the Teleflora’s Lavender Grace Bouquet
I want to buy Teleflora’s Lavender Grace Bouquet
I like the Teleflora’s Enchanted Cottage.
I would love to give my mom this one so pretty love the vase
I like the My Little Chickadee by Teleflora.
Sunrise Sunset is nice.
I like the pink bliss bouquet, so pretty and I know my mom would love them too.
I really love the Zen Artistry! So uplifting and pretty!
I like the Teleflora’s Pink Bliss Bouquet
I love the blushing lilies!
I’d choose Teleflora’s Pink Bliss Bouquet
I would love to get Teleflora’s Upsy Daisy
I would choose the Spring Waltz Bouquet.
i like the Zen Artistry bouquet.
I love the Enchanted Cottage arrangement.
My favorite is the Teleflora’s So Pretty Bouquet. I love how cheery it looks.
I love the Teleflora’s Upsy Daisy to get my daughter for Mom’s day.
Spring Sonata.
I would choose the Bejeweled Beauty.
I love So Pretty.
I love the Country Basket of Blooms. I’d get them for my mom.
I would choose the Teleflora’s Enchanted Garden Bouquet for my mom.
My mom would love the Passionate Purple Tulips.
I would get the Teleflora’s Upsy Daisy.
My favorite is the Simply Splendid Bouquet
I would get the Teleflora’s Butterfly Serenity Bouquet
I don’t know really hard to choose! Maybe the butterfly serenity
I would choose the Passionate Purple Tulips.
I love the daisies and the My Little Chickadee by Teleflora arrangement from Teleflora.
I like the Teleflora’s Butterfly Serenity Bouquet.
Spring Has Sprung Mixed Basket
I would chose the Passionate Purple Tulips because my mom’s favorite flowers are tulips!
I love the Zen Artistry!
I would choose the Fashionista Blooms arrangement.
Pink Bliss Bouquet
I would like to get the Teleflora’s Enchanted Cottage
I would choose the Enchanted Cottage bouquet for my mom. She LOVES purple and it’s so beautiful! I know she’d just love it!
I like the Fashionista Blooms
I would love to get the Teleflora’s Pretty As A Pitcher Bouquet! It is perfect for my mom!
I would love the Meant To Be Bouquet by Teleflora
Teleflora’s Pink Bliss Bouquet
kport207 at gmail dot com
I’d get the Butterfly Serenity Bouquet 🙂
I like the Teleflora’s Enchanted Garden Bouquet.
I love the Teleflora’s Butterfly Serenity Bouquet. So pretty.
i would love to get the Teleflora’s Lavender Grace Bouquet
You need to have more Klout categories.
I would like to give my mother in law the Country Basket Blooms basket!
I would choose the Full Of Love Bouquet
My favorite is the Enchanted Cottage.
I would choose the Pink Bliss Bouquet. I love the vibrant pinks!
I might choose the Teleflora’s Everything Rosy Gift Bouquet that is so pretty
It’s difficult to pick, but if I must, I’d say the Spring Has Sprung Mixed Basket
I would choose “your sweet smile.” thanks for the chance to win!
I like the Fashionista Blooms
I would choose the Teleflora’s pink bliss bouquet
I like Sweet as Sugar by Teleflora
I would choose Enchanted Cottage arrangement
I really would love the Country Basket Blooms