Starburst Candy Corn and Halloween crafts – tasty fun!

starburst,candy corn,cupcakes

*I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Starburst. I received product samples to facilitate my review and promotional item as a thank you for participating.

Halloween is almost here (finally!) and that warm and cozy “fall feeling” is in the air. These two things combined make for one happy girl, as I love them both so much. Between being inspired to bake when the cool, crisp autumn air arrives, and decorating and doing crafts for Halloween, I just get giddy this time of year. This year will be especially festive, as I am going to have some serious fun with Starburst Candy Corn!

starburst candy corn,halloween,decorations,DIY

As I mentioned above, I love to bake during the fall and winter months. I have very fond memories of cooking with my mom, and even more of cooking with my own children when they were little. Each year, a couple of weeks before Halloween, my kids and I would start our baking tradition. We would bake dozens and dozens of sugar cookies in various “spooky” shapes, and decorate them with different colored frostings and sprinkles. After we were satisfied with our creations, we would carefully pack a huge platter and deliver them to my husband’s work. Since my husband is a Police Captain, there were plenty of appreciative officers who looked forward to our goodies (and a visit from our kids) every year. Of course, we did the same for Christmas and Valentine’s Day too.

Not only did my children and I enjoy these special times together, but I hope they will do the same with their own kids. This is definitely a tradition that should be passed down through the generations. In addition to it being fun, they learned to find the joy in giving…in seeing the delight on the faces of our recipients (in this case police officers, neighbors and friends). I hope these fun times are as memorable to them as they are to me.

Since I have always loved crafting, I have made plenty of seasonal decorations for our home. There is just something special about displaying decor that you have created yourself. I used to make table centerpieces and wreaths for just about every holiday season, but haven’t done those in a few years. Maybe it is time to start again!

Another fun thing about fall and Halloween are the parties! Seriously, seeing your friends and family dressed up in ridiculous/silly/fun outfits is such a blast. We haven’t had a Halloween party in several years but we have attended a few and they are always something we look forward to. My husband and I always have fun dreaming up clever costumes!

Here are a few of my tips for throwing a Halloween party:

  • Send your invitations early! It is awful to plan a great party, only to find out that everyone already has plans to go to a party. Maybe even send a “save the date” card, just to be safe.
  • Decorate, decorate, decorate! Make creepy scenes indoors and out. You can make your own or find some fun decor at stores. Craft stores tend to have some really spooky, festive items, as does Lowe’s.
  • Make fun appetizers and desserts – this is where it gets exciting! You can make things like eyeball soup, graveyard cake, gummy worms in dirt, and so much more. Let your creative juices flow!
  • Have a competition for best costume and let the partygoers vote.

starburst candy corn

Tori Spelling enjoys Halloween as much as I do apparently! She has created several crafts using Starburst Candy Corn, and they are really gorgeous! Yes, you heard me right – Starburst Candy Corn!  I had no idea that there were so many things that could be made with Candy Corn, and when you add Starburst Candy Corn to the mix, the sky is the limit.  The colorful candies are a great addition to any craft project.  Look at these Mum Balls below!

starburst candy corn,halloween,decor,tori spelling

I decided to make one of Tori’s crafts myself, and I chose the beautiful Candied Cupcakes. Who could resist, right? These were SO simple to make, and they are truly breathtaking. Since I am not very talented with fancy frosting flowers, piping, etc., these were the perfect solution.

I started by baking regular white cupcakes (but you could make any flavor you want, or even use an orange cake mix, or add a little orange food coloring if you want).

white cupcakes

I then made a vanilla buttercream frosting from scratch, and frosted the cupcakes after they cooled.


I separated the Starburst Candy Corn into bowls, by color, while waiting for the cupcakes to cool off, and before frosting.

starburst candy corn,#starburstcandycorn,#sponsored

Before the frosting hardened too much, I carefully placed Starburst Candies on each. I started by inserting one candy (point down) into the center of the cupcake. Next I filled the rest of the top of the cupcake with the same colored candy corn in a circular shape (with the tips toward the center), using the middle candy as my guide. It couldn’t have been any easier!

starburst,candy corn,cupcakes,halloween,#starburstcandycorn

Aren’t they gorgeous?  I would be very proud to bring these beauties to any party, not just Halloween functions.  I think they would be the star of the show! Not only do Starburst Candy Corn candies look great, but they are quite tasty. They taste just like the original Starburst candy…yum!

starburst,candy corn,cupcakes,#StarburstCandyCorn

#starburstcandycorn,starburst,candy corn,cupcakes,tori spelling,

I am excited to try the other ideas from Tori – especially the Festive Favors (shown below). These are perfect for giving to your guests when they arrive at your party/dinner, or for sending home with them as party favors!

tori spelling,starburst candy corn


If you would like to try your hand at making some fun and festive Halloween crafts, visit the Starburst Candy Corn Facebook page where you will find all kinds of ideas.  Make sure you follow the fun on Twitter too, by following #StarburstCandyCorn!  When you follow along with this hashtag you will also see the decor that my fellow bloggers made using Starburst Candy Corn.

Don’t forget – Starburst Candy Corn are available for a limited time. You can find them in stores through October 31st only.


30 Responses

  1. Could she get any skinnier? (jealousy speaking) I can only imagine how good these taste. I love Star Burst and candy corns. Those cupcakes are works of art. You did a wonderful job. They are pinners!

  2. Those cupcakes are adorable! I can’t wait to try these! Starburst are my favorite- shape them like candy corn and I’m all in!

  3. I really like the cupcake with starburst on top that look like flowers. I didnt know that Tori was so creative. thanks for all the fun ideas. Gonna make some of them

  4. I love how cute the cupcakes look! I bought some of this candy corn the other day. Now I want to make cupcakes to use some to try. Thanks for the super cute ideas!

  5. i HAVE to make these cupckes! Especially since it’s something i can actually pull off LOL! So cute and easy peasy! I can’t wait! TYTYTY!!!

  6. I love the idea of candy corn with a flavor that’s actually a flavor. LOL! I’ll keep an eye out for the Starburst Candy Corn when I’m out shopping. Love your cupcakes–so cute!

  7. The cupcakes are amazing. I think I will make them for Lenten Wednesday services at church this year. They will be a hit.

  8. The cupcakes are cute! We’re gonna have to make those soon. Those would be cute for other occasions for other than Halloween! Very crafty!

  9. What a fun way to make flowers on top of cupcakes and the fruit flavors of Starburst Candy Corn would be a sweet surprise.

  10. I used to watch her show all the time when it was Tori and Dean. For someone born with a “silver spoon in their mouth” so to speak, I think she is just really down to Earth and motherly, and VERY creative. Simple or involved projects, she does nice work and found her niche ONCE again. she is just unstoppable!
    Our family loves Starburst and can see my teen making the cupcakes.

  11. Those cupcakes are so cute! I love them. Thanks for the info on starburst too! Had no idea they made candy corn.

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Eighty Mph Mom
Lyric Spencer

I’m all about sharing great products, recipes, home decor, and parenting hacks for busy moms.

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