Stressful Home? 5 Ways Your Home Could Be Stressing You Out

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stressful home

In the fast-paced modern world that we live in, stress is not an uncommon problem to live with. Many of us realize that our busy jobs, money worries, relationship problems, and issues like that can cause a lot of stress, but what about your house? You could have a stressful home so keep reading. 


Yes, it really is possible for your home to raise your stress levels in a number of ways, including the following:


  1. Photos could be making your sad


Most of us have family photos and mementos up on the walls and for most of us, most of the time, these photos will make us happy and remind us of good times with loved ones. However, sometimes some photos can prove to be more problematic. They can bring up memories that we would rather forget or remind us of the people we have loved and lost. There is no shame in taking your photos down if they serve as a painful reminder of various things and thus cause your mental health to suffer. 


  1. Clutter could be raising your cortisol levels


Studies have shown that people who live in cluttered homes tend to have higher cortisol levels. This is not surprising because living in a messy, cluttered space can make you stressed out and anxious about the situation. Luckily, this one can easily be remedied by Googling storage space near you and moving some of your unwanted clutter out of your stressful home. It may take a while but it will be so worth it.

stressful home

  1. Color is playing havoc with your emotions


There have been numerous studies that seem to confirm that color can have a big impact on our emotions. So, if you choose the wrong colors to decorate your home with, then you could be getting stressed out. 


For example, if you have painted your bedroom bright yellow, which is an energizing color, you might find it more difficult to get a good night’s sleep or if you have used too many bright colors in your living room, you might find that it is impossible to relax there and more muted toned like grey and white would be more relaxing. Try transforming your stressful home with neutral colors. 


  1. Your cell phone is keeping you up all night


If you are guilty of doing this, it might seem innocent, but it can cause your mind to always be on and waiting for notification (even if you have put it into airplane mode) which means you might struggle to sleep well throughout the night. This, in turn, could raise our cortisol levels and leave you feeling stressed out every morning.


  1. Noise pollution is driving you insane


If your home is filled with various noises, from the hum of a rather loud fans to the constant ticking of a particularly loud clock, it can cause your brain to become stressed and this will lead to annoyance and stress that is so unnecessary, switch to quieter models and feel well again. All of that noise can create a stressful home.

Now that you know the various ways that your home could be causing you stress, you can start making changes that will enable you to kick back, relax and really enjoy your space. So, what are you waiting for?

Read more from Eighty Mph Mom!

Five Ways To Help Promote Good Mental Health

Five Ways To Help Promote Good Mental Health


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Eighty Mph Mom
Lyric Spencer

I’m all about sharing great products, recipes, home decor, and parenting hacks for busy moms.

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