These Are The Things You Should Never Ignore Around Your Home & Garden

Reduce Weed Growth in Your Garden

Properly caring for and maintaining a property with a home and garden can feel like a lot of work. Indeed, sometimes it can feel overwhelming, especially when we have many other responsibilities like work, family, and community. However, there are some things that when they happen around your home or garden you should never ignore and fix as soon as possible. Read on to find out what they are. 


Loose tree branches 


Loose tree branches on your property can be very dangerous indeed. This is because all it takes is a string gust of wind or an unexpected storm and those branches can come crashing down on your house, your car, and in the worst-case scenario, the people you love. 


To that end, it’s worth regularly inspecting any trees on your property throughout the year, especially before any big storms or predicted poor weather. If you find that there are loose branches or that the trunk of the tree is dead and rotting you may need to opt to use a tree removal service. 

Signs of pests 


Another thing you should always look out for and never ignore if you find them are signs of pests invading your home. While they tend to stay hidden for the most part, pests do leave clues as to their presence depending on the type involved. For example, bed bugs often come with a sweet smell, while the presence of rats is often indicated by the aroma of ammonia. Termites on the other hand reveal themselves by leaving frass pellets that can be seen around the wood they are chewing up. 


Prevention is always better than cure when it comes to pests, but if you do find yourself with an infestation on your hands then working with a trusted pest control professional like Terminix can be very helpful. This is because they have the expertise and access to specialised equipment needed to remove termites from your property in the fastest and most effective way.  


Blocked drains 


Ignoring blocked drains is never a good idea because they don’t just smell bad, but they can result in a range of problems including dampness, flooding and mould. Your first action with blocked drains should always be to try and unblock them yourself, first with a plunger, a drain unblocker product, or in some cases both. However, if your attempts aren’t successful you may wish to consider seeking help from a professional. 


A leaky roof 


If your rood has recently started leaking, you’re heart may be full of dread. After all, roofs can cost a whole lot of money to fix, especially if they need fully replaced. However, its very important that you never ignore a leaky roof or a blown-off tile. This is because not only can such issues cause major problems in your home like damp and water damage, but they usually only get worse over time. 




What that means is by dealing with a leaky roof quickly and efficiently you can often save yourself a lot of money in the long run. To that end, if you don’t feel up to sorting out your leaky roof yourself be sure to contact a professional roofer who can do it for you. 



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Eighty Mph Mom
Lyric Spencer

I’m all about sharing great products, recipes, home decor, and parenting hacks for busy moms.

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