Sunshine Kids car seat giveaway

I am so thrilled about this giveaway from Sunshine Kids!  Though I no longer have children in car seats, I do remember well wanting the safest seats for my children.

Sunshine Kids Juvenile Products are the ideal solution for today’s “on the go” family, with state-of-the-art product designs that combine safety and convenience so that every family excursion can be the enjoyable experience it was meant to be. They also introduced the Radian Car Seat, the first steel-reinforced folding car seat designed to make travel and storage more convenient than ever.

Sunshine Kids Juvenile Products is dedicated to developing car seats and products that make thetraveling experience for you and your child safer and more enjoyable. Here at Sunshine Kids, we have a complete line of car seats, storage solutions, and related stroller and baby travel accessories designed to offer solutions for today’s on-the-go family. We’re the first company to introduce a folding car seat with our Radian Car Seat line.  With superior side impact protection, we also offer an expandable booster seat to fit your growing child — the Monterey Booster Seat!

Sunshine Kids Monterey Booster Seat

The Sunshine Kids Monterey Booster Seat is a high-back booster seat designed to fit a growing child up to 120 lbs. Deep, reinforced sides lined with energy-absorbing EPS foam help the Monterey Booster Seat absorb side-impact protection. A dial on the back adjusts the width of the expandable seatback to fit a child’s shoulders up to 20” wide. The Monterey Booster Seat is even more adjustable with its 11-position headrest that moves up to 6.5″ in height with one hand for an easy, precise fit. As a fixed-position booster, the Monterey Booster Seat’s integrated LATCH connectors and a one-pull front adjuster allow for a safe and secure installation in seconds. The seat bottom has extra length for leg support and features thick AirTek™ foam and tapered sides for total comfort. Dual cup holders are extra-deep and angled to keep drinks upright. The Sunshine Kids Monterey Booster Seat packs flat for convenience and can also be used as a backless booster.

Sunshine Kids Radian 65 Car Seat:
The NEW Sunshine Kids Radian 65SL series car seats offer the first NCAP tested, high capacity LATCH system up to 65 pounds without the use of a seat belt! Sunshine Kids Radian 65SL car seats are convertible for rear-facing children 5 – 40 lbs and forward-facing children 20 – 65 lbs in a 5-point harness. With steel alloy frame, reinforced sides and protective EPS foam, the Radian 65SL car seat provides complete side impact protection. The Radian 65 car seat’s low profile offers amazingly easy child boarding. In addition, with its unique patented design, the Radian 65 fits three-across in a mid-size car while providing more shoulder room for the child occupant. The Sunshine Kids Radian 65SL car seat folds flat for convenient travel and storage.
Sunshine Kids Radian 80 Car Seat:
The NEW Sunshine Kids Radian 80 SL car seats offer the first NCAP tested, high capacity LATCH system up to 80 pounds without the use of a seat belt!The Sunshine Kids Radian 80SL car seats are convertible for rear-facing children 5 – 45 lbs and forward-facing children 20 – 80 lbs in a 5-point harness. With steel alloy frame, reinforced sides and protective EPS foam, the Radian 80SL car seat provides complete side impact protection. The Radian 80SL’s low profile offers amazingly easy child boarding. In addition, with its unique patented design, the Radian 80SL car seat fits three-across in a mid-size car while providing more shoulder room for the child occupant. Memory foam padding and infant support pillows provide additional comfort. All this, and the Radian 80SL folds flat for convenient travel and storage.
Sunshine Kids Radian XT Car Seat:
The NEW Sunshine Kids Radian XTSL car seats offer the first NCAP tested, high capacity LATCH system up to 80 pounds without the use of a seat belt! The Sunshine Kids Radian XTSL car seats are convertible for rear-facing children 5 – 45 lbs and forward-facing children 20 – 80 lbs in a 5-point harness. With height-adjustable and aluminum-reinforced head support, steel alloy frame and protective EPS foam, the Radian XTSL car seat provides complete side impact protection. The Radian XTSL’s low profile offers amazingly easy child boarding. In addition, with its unique patented design, the Radian XTSL car seat fits three-across in a mid-size car while providing more shoulder room for the child occupant. Memory foam padding and infant support pillows provide additional comfort. All this, and the Radian XTSL car seat folds flat for convenient travel and storage.

The above models are available in a great variety of colors too! In addition to car seats, Sunshine Kids has some wonderful other products to help parents – I would have loved some of these when my kids were little.  They really have thought of it all! Sunshine Kids Car Seats have won numerous awards for their products.

THE GIVEAWAY is now closed:
One winner will get to choose a car/booster seat (from the models shown above) from Sunshine Kids!


853 Responses

  1. I'd choose the Monterey Booster in "New Grey" — that will come in handy when Charlie grows out of her car seat. 🙂 The feature I like best is the range it will fit; 30 lbs to 120 lbs and 38" to 63" in height. That's awesome!

  2. For SURE the Radian XT would be my choice and love the FIVE different color choices! I also love that it folds flat for travel…THANK GOD someone is thinking of how BULKY carseats can be for traveling or even for STORAGE or switching to other vehicles!!! WHAT A GREAT PRODUCT AND GIVEAWAY!!!

    thanks so much!

    ejrichter60 at gmail dot com

  3. i follow you via GF connection!

    thanks so much!

    ejrichter60 at gmail dot com


  4. I follow on Twitter!


    thanks so much!

    ejrichter60 at gmail dot com


  5. Facebook Fan of yours!

    eileen richter

    thanks so much!

    ejrichter60 at gmail dot com


  6. I left a comment for you on your announcement of your Summer Event you and Melissa are doing! Cant wait to see what/who you have lined up!

    thanks much!

    ejrichter60 at gmail dot com


  7. I like the radian XT Sl and feature I like best is the adjustable head support, reinforced for complete side impact safety

    tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

  8. I like the Monterey Booster because it Fits children 30 lbs to 120 lbs and 38" to 63" in height

    reallyareyouserious at gmail dot com

  9. I'd choose the Monterey Booster in New Grey. I like best that it is a fixed position seat- the ones that just sit on top of the regular seat w/o attaching make me nervous.

  10. I have read that the Sunshine seats are the best for putting multiple seats in the back, like for twins and triplets. I would choose the Sunshine Kids Radian XT Car Seat because it is rated for up to 80 lbs and can be converted from rear to forward facing.

    member (dot) thao (at)

  11. I'd choose the XTSL in Bentley for my boys. My favorite feature is the Super Latch that allows me to easily install the seat using the latch to the full capacity of the seat (instead of 40-48 lbs. like other seats).

    jdeemarie @

  12. Although my youngest is nine and doesn't need a car seat any longer, my 4 grandchildren, who range in age from 1 to 5 years old, spend a lot of time at my house. The problem then comes when I want to go somewhere with anyone; if they don't have a car seat, I'm kind of stuck. I HAD a car seat here, but lent it to one of their fathers when he came to pick them up and he hasn't gotten it back to me yet. So now I have NO car seat here for the bebes. If I won, I would choose the Radian XT SL because it would work for any one of them. One of my favorite features is the SuperLatch, because in my case, it needs to be easy for me to put the car seat in and remove it.

  13. probably choose Sunshine Kids Radian XT Car Seat and height-adjustable and aluminum-reinforced head support, steel alloy frame and protective EPS foam, the Radian XTSL car seat provides complete side impact protection is very important (as well as the other wonderful advantages). Little boy ready for a booster so fingers and toes crossed for this one!
    tvollowitz at aol dot com

  14. I really liked the RadianXTSL in the color Nitro. My favorite feature is that it has a latch system that requires no seat belt and it grows with your child from infancy to toddler and up to 80lbs which is fantastic~! I would only have to buy one car seat instead of three. Thanks for sharing another fantastic review and giveaway with all your readers.

  15. My favorite is the Radian XTSL in Nitro color. I like the height adjustment, reinforced head support and side impact protection.

    clenna at aol dot com

  16. Oh, man, I would love to win this for my mother. She has so much trouble fastening the one she has when she ferries around my 2-year-old nephew!

    If I won, I'd choose the RadianXTSL.

    I love the 5-point harness the most. It looks like it would keep my nephew snug, and looks easy to fasten. (I also like the low profile and the side protection.)

    Thank you very much for the giveaway!

    anthy_stl [ATT] yahoo [DOTT] com

  17. We like the RadianXTSL in Petal. The features we like best are the weight capacity of 80 pounds and the 5 point harness with the use of superLATCH.

    badgermomma at gmail dot com

  18. I would choose Monterey® Booster because of the feature it has with the will last my daughter a long time!

    floridafrugalfamily (at )

  19. I would LOVE to win the Sunshine Kids Radian XT Car Seat. My favorite feature is the 80 lbs (and up to 53") in a 5-point harness capacity because I want to keep my kids in a harnessed car seat for as long as possible.

    treflea4 at gmail dot com

  20. I would choose the Radian XT in red and my fave feature is that it seats up to 45 lbs rear facing

    melanieinaz2003 at yahoo

  21. I would like to win the Sunshine Kids Radian XT Car Seat. Being as it is designed to give extra space in smaller cars' backseats, we can definitely use this for our Honda Accord.

  22. I would like to win the Sunshine Kids Radian XT Car Seat. Being as it is designed to give extra space in smaller cars' backseats, we can definitely use this for our Honda Accord.
    motocontest @ G M A I L dot COM

  23. I would choose the Radian XTSL and I love that it can be rear facing till 45 lbs. silenttributary(at)yahoo(dot)com

  24. i'd love to win this one: RadianXTSL®
    USD$ 299.99 – love that it can hold a forward facing baby up to 80 lbs

    autumn398 @

  25. We need the Monterrey, as while the girls are older, they still need seats but can sit in the booster style due to length & weight; that's why I like this one, over the others it will last us longer!!

  26. Radian XTSL in Flora

    The Sunshine Kids Radian XTSL car seats are convertible for rear-facing children 5 – 45 lbs and forward-facing children 20 – 80 lbs in a 5-point harness.

  27. What a great giveaway – perfect for our upcoming little one!! I'm loving the RadianXTSL in Nitro – and the feature I love the most is that you don't have to use a seatbelt due to their latch system – that seatbelt was always a pain when my 5 year old was younger!!

    jamieandandre at bellsouth dot net

  28. Fan of sunshine kids on facebook – Jamie Long Champagne

    Entry 1

    jamieandandre at bellsouth dot net

  29. Fan of sunshine kids on facebook – Jamie Long Champagne

    Entry 2

    jamieandandre at bellsouth dot net

  30. I would choose the Monterey Booster and the best feature is that it can hold up to 120 lbs. My 2 year old is a big boy at 41 lbs. and this should last him several years.

    eswright18 at

  31. This is sooo cute!! thanks for the opportunity!
    kristy gordanier @ yahoo . com

    i love the XT brown one!

  32. i would choose the radian 80 and i loooove that it's good rear facing up to 45 lbs!
    heatheranya at hotmail dot com

  33. I would choose the radian 80sl. My almost 4 yo hit 50 lbs and his current seat is 5 pt harness until 65 lbs. I would like him to be in a harness for awhile yet, at least until he is 6. My favorite feature is that he can be in a harness until 80 lbs – and that better last him until he is 6 or older!

  34. I would like to have the Radian XTSL in Nitro. The feature that I like the best is: Forward-facing: 20 – 80 lbs (and up to 53") in a 5-point harness. It has a number of safety features that are appealing as well.

  35. Sunshine Kids Radian XT Car Seat
    I LOVE the height-adjustable and aluminum-reinforced head support

  36. These are beautiful products…I like the Sunshine Kids Radian 80 Car seat in the new Metro color. I like the fact that you can use it rear facing to 45lbs, then front facing all the way to 80lbs. It will last a long time. Thanks.

  37. I like the feature Folds flat for travel and storage, includes convenient carry strap of the RadianXTSL®

  38. I would choose the XTSL b/c of the high latch weight limit and that it can fit 3 across….we have a small car! Also that it folds flat for storage
    mstlee2000 @

  39. I really like the Radian80SL®. My favorite feature about it is that it fits all the way up to Forward-facing: 20 – 80 lbs (and up to 53"). That is fantastic because the carseat we have our 11 month old in now is only good until 30 lbs.


  40. I would choose the RadianXTSL in Bentley as that will blend in with our seats.
    I love that it has 3-in-1 infant/toddler full body support cushions, that will make it very comfortable for my son especially on long drives. I also love that it folds flat for travel and can be carried easily.Of course love love all the safety features.

  41. I would love to have the RadianXTSL® car seat in eclipse and I love that it has the Easy-Tite™ adjuster for quick and easy tightening, installs in 1 minute

    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  42. I would choose the Monterey Booster seat in New Silver. The thing I like most about it is the adjustability of the seat, for a child from 30 to 120 pounds and from 38" to 63".

    cgclynsg0 at gmail dot com

  43. I like the Radian80SL® and that it have memory foam.

    livelovelaughwithleslieblog at gmail dot com

  44. I would choose the Radian 80 in Primrose for my granddaughter. She is about ready for an upgraded car seat and she loves anything pink with flowers. I am going to have to check out their seat belt alarms too…she has become Hoodiny recently and that would really help mom in the front seat know when she has escaped.

    My email address is visible in my profile.

  45. I subscribe via email (thats how I learned about this great giveaway) anna at thebabystoreplus dot com

  46. I would pick the RadianXTSL in Nitro for my 22 month old. I love that he could rearface until 45# in this!

    elisha dot renee at gmail dot com

  47. I love the Monterey Booster seat! I still have my boy in a 5 pt harness, but I know in the next few years he'll want more of a "big boy" seat. This booster sear looks far more sturdy than the usual.

  48. I would choose the Sunshine Kids Radian XTSL Or the Radian 80 SL so that i would be able to turn my 38lbs 2y/o back rearfacing.. Or to be able to keep my 60lb 6 y/o harnessed a little longer!

    SO my favorite feature would be the 80lb limit AND the 45 rf limit!!

  49. I like the Monterey® Booster in new pink. i love that it has extra length on the seat bottom for legs.

  50. It was hard to pick, but I think I would go with the RadianXTSL. I'm loving the side impact protection – all the protection you can get is so important!!

    jamieandandre at bellsouth dot net

  51. I'd go with the booster in grey. I like the fact that it can be used backless. That's how my son likes them so it could work both ways for me

  52. I'd select the Radian xtsl because it can hold up to 80 lbs. That's a fantastic feature and should last me years!! Jenprincess88 at aol dot com

  53. I would choose the Sunshine Kids Radian XTSL in Petal. I liked the 20-80 pound front facing limit.

  54. I'd choose the Sunshine Kids Radian XTSL car seat in either Flora or Ventura (if my DH will agree on Flora for our baby boy! LOL!). I love that it goes from newborn up to 80lbs! Also very impressed with the size… 3 in a mid-sized car is amazing! And who wouldn't be impressed with the great side impact protection?
    garyandalesha at cox dot net

  55. FB fan of Sunshine Kids (Alesha Y Jacobsen)
    entry 1
    garyandalesha at cox dot net

  56. FB fan of Sunshine Kids (Alesha Y Jacobsen)
    entry 2
    garyandalesha at cox dot net

  57. Following you on networked blogs (Alesha Y Jacobsen)
    garyandalesha at cox dot net

  58. I LOVE the Sunshine Kids Radian XT Car Seat in Flora. Would be perfect for my growing girl. I like that it installs quickly – less than 1 minute!

  59. I love the Radian80SL – my first girl – I'm really going to over do the pink I think!
    I love that it converts from rear facing to front facing, love that it's used without a seatbelt, and love that it folds.

  60. I would pick the RadianXTSL in petal prints and my favorite feature is that it Folds flat for travel and storage, includes convenient carry strap
    luvtosave at

  61. I like the RadianXTSL because it fits 3-across in a mid-size vehicle and offers more shoulder space.

  62. I'm a facebook fan of Sunshine Kids Juvenile Products under username Jennie Tilson. #1

  63. I'm a facebook fan of Sunshine Kids Juvenile Products under username Jennie Tilson. #2

  64. I'm a facebook fan of Eighty MPH Mom under username Jennie Tilson.

  65. I like the Radian XT car seat and like the Adjustable head support (reinforced for complete side-impact safety) to keep the little one safe and snug.

  66. would LOVE to win the monterey car seat as my daughter is outgrowing her car seat in height and we need to get her a supportive booster seat!

  67. I would pick the Monterey Booster because I love that it can be used as a high back booster but also as just a seat, a must for kids who have to sit in a booster but are to cool to let people know they do:)

    colesammom at gmail dot com

  68. I'd like the Radian XTSL for the side impact protection and the 5 point harness. This would be a great contest to win. Awesome Giveaway!

  69. I like the Radian 65. I like that it doesn't take up a lot of room and that it fits from 5-65 pounds. I also like that it has a steel alloy frame.


  70. I would love to have the Radian 80SL in PrimRose.
    My favorite feature are the Steel Alloy Frame and Aluminum Reinforced Sides.
    Thank you so much for the chance to win.


  71. I like the Monterey Booster Seat New Black – black air mesh & ultra-suede because it designed to fit a growing child up to 120 lbs. Would be perfect for my 2 yr old grandson who is turning 3 soon.

  72. Following you on Twitter and tweeted:

  73. I would choose the Sunshine Kids Radian XTSL because it rear faces to 45 lbs. and extended rear facing is important to me.

    jewelsntreasures (at) yahoo (dot) com

  74. I like the Sunshine Kids Radian XTSL because it goes up to 80 pounds with the latch system.

  75. I'd choose the booster if I won. I love that it comes in pink, can be used backless, and it has extra deep cup holders.

  76. My favorite is the Sunshine Kids Radian XTSL car seat in the Flora pattern.

    I like that it has provides complete side impact protection.

  77. I like the Sunshine Kids Monterey Booster Seat in new grey and I love the retractable cup holders for my kids.

  78. I'd pick the Monterey Booster Seat
    in New Gray or New Silver. I love that the back has an option to be removed. That would be great for flying so you wouldn't have to lug the whole thing.

  79. I would love the RadianXTSL. I am so super impressed that the rear facing weight limit is 45 pounds! That's awesome. I'm a huge believer in extended rear facing, because it's the safest way for babies and toddlers to sit.

    mail {at}

  80. I would love to have the Monterey Booster Seat in new pink. My favorite feature is the Side Impact Protection with reinforced sidewalls and headrest lined with EPS foam. Thank you!!

  81. I will have a new grandchild in December so that means at least one more carseat. I picked the Radian 80SL – one great feature is that it folds flat for storage.

  82. I love the Sunshine Kids Radian XTSL car seat because it offers both rear facing (for teeny ones) and then forward facing (for when they are older)

  83. I like the Radian80SL in primrose.
    I like because of the SuperLatch no seat belt is required.
    skipthelaundry at gmail dot com

  84. Sunshine Kids Radian XT Car Seat: – love that it gives more shoulder room

  85. id love the Sunshine Kids Radian XT Car Seat:and my favorite feature is the Safestop® energy-absorbing harness system 🙂

  86. I would choose the Radian XT Car Seatbecause of number of great features but like that it folds flat for travel and storage, includes convenient carry strap

    ardy22 at earthlink dot net